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“How’s Wes?”

“Having the time of his life. He and Pop got a new puzzle.” I was forever shocked that he would never sit down for anything—my boy was always running and active—unless there was a puzzle in front of him. But it gave him some much needed quiet time.

“Oh, that’s good. He loves them. We picked out some when we took a Target trip earlier this week.” She hugged herself and rubbed her arms. “Why do they keep it so cold in here?”

Personally, I was dying and was running out of things to take off, but I knew she was beyond overtired. I pulled her into me. “How about we go see Sage and then you lay down for a little bit?”

“I’m fine.”

“I know, but you’ve been up since dawn, I bet.”

She shrugged, then settled her cheek against my chest. “She threw a jug of water at Oliver last time I went in.”

“Planning to do the same?”

She pulled back. “I don’t know. I don’t deal with pain well. Might be more like the bed itself.”

“Well, then.” Her giggle made me smile down at her. “Good to know.” I uncurled her hand from between us and tugged her down the hallway after Oliver. She gripped my hand with both of hers when shouts reached the hallway.

“Drugs! Give me the goddamn epidural!”

I pushed open the door slowly. Kelsey’s mouth dropped open as Sage dragged the nurse down by her stethoscope.

“Mrs. Hamilton, you’re past the point of having one.” The nurse’s voice was calm as she peeled Sage’s fingers off her stethoscope. “The doctor will be in soon.” She gave us a tight smile and rushed out.

“Because you left me in the damn emergency room for hours,” Sage yelled after her. “Ice chips. Where are my damn ice chips? Sweet bloody fuck, this baby is rippi

ng me apart.”

Kelsey rushed over to the table for her cup of ice.“Here you go. Can I do anything?”

Sage crunched on two cubes, her eyes like hellfire. “Yes. Can you reach in there and rip this thing out? That would be great.” She threw her head back on the pillow and growled. “I’m having a demon. That’s the only explanation for this.” She slapped the railing.

“Honey, just breathe.” Oliver brushed Sage’s hair back. “You have to calm down.”

“Are you having this baby?” She sat up until they were nose to nose. “I think not. If you had something trying to rip its way out of your parts, you would not be so calm.”

Oliver paled, but he didn’t move. In fact, it was impressive how he eased her back against the bed as he glanced at one of the monitors. He took her hand and kissed their clenched fingers. “Here we go.”

“Fuck!” Sage’s voice was like nails down a chalkboard with a lightning strike chaser.

“Breathe,” Oliver said in a stern voice.

“Breathing.” Sage’s voice was little more than a snarl as she slowly calmed and collapsed against the pillow. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to yell. I love you.”

Just like that, she turned into a blubbering mess as the contractions eased off.

I curled my arm around Kelsey and pulled her to the side as the door opened again. A woman in a white coat bustled in. “Hello, Sage. Evidently, your little one decided to come early.”

“Doctor, could you please tell your staff that I’m so not too late for the drugs thing. I really need them.”

The doctor lifted Sage’s gown and I turned my head away. I had no need to see all the things when it came to Sage. There was friendship and then there was hell no. The doctor reached around in there and I winced as I turned Kelsey to face me.

From the color of my wife’s cheeks, she was well on her way to freaking out.

“Nope. You are about ready to go, young lady. In fact,” the doctor turned to us, “out you go, guys. Unless you’re a birthing coach or the father.”

“Birthing coach!” Ally yelled as she came in. “I’m here.”
