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She turned in her seat to me and cupped my face, her fingers scraping through my short hair as she held on and kissed me back with the same intensity.

When a horn blared behind us, I pulled away. “Sorry.”

She collapsed back in her seat. “Don’t be sorry.”

“Yes. I love that you want both of us.”

“Of course I do.”

We rode in silence, then parked and gathered up the food for the waiting room. I loaded a half dozen bottles of water in with the sandwiches to keep them cold and handed her a bag with six more. Laurel wasn’t a terribly huge hospital, but it had a good-sized maternity ward. Evidently, with a few towns surrounding the hospital, there was a lot of babymaking going on.

I knew it definitely included me.

“You have a doctor’s appointment coming up?”

She nodded. “Friday.”

“Is it all right if I come?”

Her smile was sweet, and her cheeks pinked up. “I’d like that.”

I tried not to ground my molars because she didn’t immediately demand for me to go with her. She wasn’t alone, and I was determined to make her aware of that every moment of the damn day.

She rushed forward with her bag to hug Ally when we made it into the room. There were a few people in there, but it was mostly the Sage contingency.

I lifted a bag. “Brought rations.”

“Oh, thank God. I was just looking at the vending machines with tears in my eyes.” Seth dug into the bag. “You must like us or something. Jersey Angel’s roast beef on rye? I’d kiss you if I was into beards.”


“I do have a talented tongue. You’re missing out.” Seth grinned and ripped open the deli paper. “So good. Thanks.”

I dug out two waters for Ally and Kelsey and handed them out. “Drink.”

Kelsey wrinkled her nose at me. “Yes, sir.”

The sir thing didn’t do it for me, but her looking up at me like that sure fucking did.

I just grunted at her and went back to the bag for my own water and a sandwich. There was a lot of sitting involved and the girls all took turns going back to see Sage. Kelsey seemed edgy and distracted and she disappeared once or twice. I hoped she wasn’t dealing with nausea again.

Finally, Sage was settled into a room. By then, my ass was asleep and my noose of a tie had landed in a pile with the rest of the guys’ ties and jackets. The food had been demolished in the waiting room, since Sage couldn’t eat anything now that she was in active labor. Even though she had threatened bodily harm to all of us for daring to eat when she could not.

She was a scary chick.

Oliver came down the hallway. “Hey, guys. She’s finally settled in a room.” He ran a shaky hand over his hair. His tie was long gone and his dress shirt sleeves were rolled up, tails out of his pants. I didn’t think I’d ever seen Oliver quite so disheveled.

Kelsey popped up from her place next to Ally. They’d been FaceTiming with Sage’s parents. They were heading back to Crescent Cove, but they were still a few hours away. They’d taken an impromptu trip, thinking they had a bit of time until the baby was born.

I crossed to my wife and took her shaking hand. “Sage is doing great. It just takes time.”

“Why is it taking so long though?”

“Babies come on their own timetable.”

“God, knowing me and my luck, ours will come out sideways.”

My gut clenched and unfurled when she said ours so easily, but I could see the bloom of panic on her face. That and how very tired she was.
