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I glanced at Dare, who was giving my sister a rather intimidating look. It was kinda hot, to be honest. Not that I wanted him to be staring down my sister, but hi, this was our wedding. And yes, we’d had more than the usual allotment, but jeez.

“Stalk you here?” Gage’s smooth, deep voice rumbled out and answered a number of my questions. Well, sort of. “You think very highly of yourself. As well you should, but not that high.” With a smirk, he adjusted the cuff links on his crisp white cuffs.

“Um, Ry, don’t suppose you could—”

“That isn’t what you said last night!”

The audible gasp that went through the crowd had me closing my eyes.

See, now this wedding fit right into my life story perfectly. Just as I’d been dumped via text after pity sex post funeral, which had led to me moving to Crescent Cove so impetuously, now my sister was decimating my lovely second wedding with her booty call antics.

My eyes sprung open as the full realization of what had transpired descended on me. “You slept with my husband’s brother?” I asked, earning another round of gasps.

None the least of which came from our parents. And Dare’s parents.


“Kel,” Dare said, his tone indicating he was not amused.

Neither was I. I was stunned and disturbed and feeling a little like a camera would soon extend from the nearest set of bushes, but not amused.

Gage lifted a hand and ticked off on his fingers. “One, two, three times.” He smiled, revealing blinding white teeth. “Welcome to the family, sister-in-law.”

“Sister-in-law, because you don’t know my name. Now, do you?” Rylee whirled around and fled down the steps.

I turned to follow when Dare gripped my upper arm. “Not our circus, not our monkeys, darlin’,” he said against my ear, making me laugh despite everything.

I’d said that to him last week when talking about something that had happened at school, and he’d needed an explanation as to what I meant. Tonight, he was using the phrase like an old pro.

“You’re right.” I turned toward Dare and snuggled against his chest as he tugged my cloak tighter around me. “Besides, we need to have a very important chat.”


I smiled up at him and shifted my bouquet so it didn’t get any more ruined than it had already been. “Yes.”

“Thanks for coming, everyone,” he called out. “We’ll meet all of you over at the pizza shop in a few minutes. Pop?” He motioned to his dad. “You mind taking this guy with you?” He ruffled Wes’s hair.

Wes pouted. “I don’t wanna miss the chat.”

I bit my lip and glanced toward Ally and Seth for help. “Laurie will be there. Right?” I asked more than a little desperately.

I didn’t like excluding Wes from anything family-related, but this conversation really wasn’t appropriate for little ears.

Bad enough he’d just had to hear my sister and his uncle re-enact an episode from the Jerry Springer show.

Seth and Ally exchanged glances. “Well, she’s with Alex at my Dad’s,” Seth began, jumping back when Ally slipped her hand in his pocket. Probably to pinch him. “Okay, okay, fine. We’ll bring them to the pizza parlor. The night will probably end a little late for the kids to be out, but hey, it’s the holidays and a celebration. Besides, this one’s out and about.” He nodded at Sage and Oliver, who were fawning over Star as if she were the Christ child herself.

Neither of them paid him any mind.

“Thank you so much.” I smiled at them and rushed down to hug everyone one more time before our friends and families dispersed.

Gage had already taken off, right after Rylee. I hoped he wasn’t chasing her down to argue with her. Or have more sex. That probably wouldn’t end well. Rylee always insisted on winning arguments, and she was pretty pissed at Gage.

I didn’t think she’d harm any vital parts of his anatomy while he was sleeping, but you could never be sure with my sister.

“Whew.” I feigned wiping my brow as the last car full of guests peeled away from the curb. “It was touch and go there for a minute or two, huh? Imagine if—”

Dare drew me into his arms and fisted a hand in my hair, dislodging my tiara and whatever words I’d planned to say. His mouth was warm and soft against mine, but he added a bite of teeth just to remind me of the honeymoon night we would have as soon as we’d stuffed ourselves full of pizza and good cheer.
