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I couldn’t wait.

“I’ve never seen you look so beautiful,” he said roughly, his gaze dropping to my belly before lifting again to my face. “And that’s saying a lot, because you’re the prettiest damn woman in the world.”

My eyes filled and I tipped my forehead to his. “Do you know how long I waited to have someone look at me the way you do? To see me and want what he sees, just the way I am?”

“It had to be a lon

g time, because I damn sure have waited a helluva long time for you.” He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “You’ve made me the happiest man in Crescent Cove, do you know that?”

I let out a watery laugh. “You have some stiff competition for that title. And speaking of stiff…” I swayed against him, giving the hard column in his tuxedo pants a quick rub. “I can’t wait for our honeymoon.”

“Even though we aren’t jetting off to some fabulous island like the rest of the fancy pants couples in this town would?”

“Um, yes, because our island doesn’t include clothing. Thank you very much.” I gave him a swift kiss, then swallowed hard. “Dare, our son is yours. For real. The tests came in, and I’m sorry they told me when you weren’t there, but he’s yours. There’s no doubt left.”

Dare tipped back his head and his Adam’s apple bobbed before he met my gaze again. “Our son? It’s a boy?”

And that was why I loved this man so fiercely. He wasn’t focused on the fact the baby had the same DNA as him, but that he was a sweet, already so beloved little boy. “Yes.” I knuckled away a tear. “Wes is going to be the best big brother to this little guy.”

“Yes, he is.” Dare shut his eyes and when he opened them, I would’ve sworn there was a sheen of wetness there before he blinked and it was gone. “And I’m gonna be the best damn dad to him.”

“Just like you are to your little boy.” I took a deep breath. “To our little boy. We have two of them.”

“We damn sure do.” He flashed me a blinding grin and then he swept me up into his arms. I shrieked and tried to hold onto my tiara and veil as he carted me down the steps.

“Oh my God, put me down. Where are you going?”

“We have a reception to attend, don’t we?”

“Well, yes, but it’s a few blocks away—Dare!”

He bent his head and gave me a hard, quieting kiss. “I didn’t get to carry you over the threshold the first time, so I’m gonna do tonight right.”

“Does that mean we’re going to christen the back of your parents’ pizza shop?” I asked breathlessly as he strode down the sidewalk as if he was toting a loaf of bread. He wasn’t even winded. “Since you’re carrying me over that threshold and all…”

He winked. “Never know, Nuts Lady. Might just close down the shop in our own way.”

I laughed and tossed back my head so that the gently falling snowflakes could cool down my suddenly warm cheeks. “Happy honeymoon to us.”

* * *
