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“You did not just quote Van Halen to me.”

“I might kiss you just because you know the reference.” I leaned into her. “I might kiss you just because.”

“Is this guy bothering you, Kelsey?”

I resisted the urge to snarl at the interruption. I was already hard as hell and her sharp orange scent was making me crazy. As it was, I’d gone to look for blood oranges in the produce department just to see if that was indeed the smell I couldn’t stop thinking about. That had been the name on the bottle in her bathroom, but an artificial scent might not compare to the real thing.

It was damn close.

But it wasn’t Kelsey.

And my brain was definitely not engaged right now. Unless you counted the primal lizard part that wanted to rip out the douchetwat’s throat for interrupting us.

Kelsey pushed me back and shifted toward the guy in the doorway. I still hadn’t looked away from her, since she was my entire focus.

“Caleb, um, no. Of course not.” She smoothed her hair away from her face.

What the hell was that about? I finally dragged my attention from her to the doorway. Straight-laced teacher type. Was she actually worried about this dude seeing us together?

I straightened. I was good enough to hook up with, but not to be seen with. I’d been there before. Nice girls only liked the gutter when they were ankles were up toward the ceiling.


I huffed out a half laugh. Or this was her kind of guy, not me. “Sorry. Didn’t realize I was poaching.”

“You were what?” She elbowed me in the ribs. “No one is poaching on anyone and we’re at school, for Pete’s sake. Neither of you should be saying the things you do here.”

I folded my arms and crowded into her again. “Saying things like what?”

“Are you serious right now? Are you going to pee around me or something?” She pushed me back a step, then glanced at the douchenozzle. “Never mind. This is ridiculous.”

I finally recognized the guy hovering in the hallway now that I had my head in the game and not ready to dive between her fucking thighs. Beck’s little brother was a teacher here. And douche still applied. He thought his marathon boy and gym rat muscles made him a man.

More than a few women had fallen for his brand of charm.

Personally, I wanted to use his head as a soccer ball whenever he was around me and his brother. Which wasn’t often. He was too worried about the closest single woman in a five-mile radius.

“Dare.” Caleb hovered at the threshold of her classroom. “I didn’t realize you were friends.”

I was pretty sure the fucknut wanted to choke on that word.

Kelsey sighed. “I’m fine, Caleb. Thanks for checking on me. Dare and I were just…talking.”

Without thinking, my hand coasted along her lower back.

She looked up at me again with eyebrows climbing for her damn hairline. I dropped my hand.

Caleb puffed up his chest, but he didn’t come any closer. “If you’re sure.”

“She’s sure,” I said darkly. Besides, what was this kid going to do? I could break him with my pinky.

“I can speak for myself, thank you.” She gave me a sharp look, then Caleb a tight smile. “I can handle myself. He’s harmless.”

I gave her a serious dose of side eye. I’d show her how harmless I was as soon as we were alone. She stomped on my foot and winced for her trouble. I had steel-toe boots for a reason.

“All right. I’m right across the hall if you need me.” He melted out into the dark.

