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When I pulled back, the dazed look in her eyes riled my dick again. That slightly lost, vulnerable softness to her face always did me in and made me want to push for more. To hear the little sounds she made when she was under me, breaking apart for me.

I eased away and tipped my forehead to hers. “Pray for us that Wes actually went to sleep for the babysitter.”

“And if he didn’t, we’ll just get him to bed.”

I nodded. “I’d like to tell him tomorrow. Together.”

She swallowed. “I’d like that.”

“Good.” I got out and gathered our food. She pushed open her door before I could come around to do it for her. She was taking in the slightly shabby grass of my side yard and scatter of toys Wes never seemed to put away no matter how many times I asked.

Instead of sighing impatiently, she hauled up his bike with training wheels and set it against the stairs. “Looks like Wes has a really nice life here, Dare.”

I grunted. “I do what I can for him.”

“I know you do. And he’s a well-adjusted kid. And I’m not just saying that as his teacher. He’s still a handful, but I think he’s just one of those kids who has energy to spare.”

“Tell me about it. Why I’m crossing my fingers, Michelle, the babysitter, was able to get him to go down.”

“It sounds quiet.”

We climbed the stairs to my little porch. I eased her along the right side to miss the squeaky part of the third stair. I unlocked the door and gently set the bag inside the door. Michelle popped up off the couch in the living room.

“Oh, Mr. Kramer, I wasn’t expecting you for a few more hours.”

“We decided we wanted a quiet night in instead.” I reached for my wallet and pulled out a few twenties. “Is he asleep?”

“Animal Planet and three books later, he finally passed out with his flashlight in hand.”

“Gotta power up those glow in the dark stickers,” I said ruefully.

“You got it. He was great tonight though. Played kickball with the kids, so he’s down for the count.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks for babysitting tonight. Oh, and this is my…” How much did you tell a babysitter before it was too much info?

“I’m Kelsey.” She stepped forward and held out her hand.

Michelle glanced from me to her and then back again with a wide grin. “Huh. Hope you two have a good night.”

I slid my palm along the back of my neck. “We will.”

Kelsey was grinning when I locked the door and turned back to her. “Afraid she was going to start the gossip chain in your neighborhood?”

I hung my head. The wildfire would be starting soon no matter what I said. Especially since Michelle’s mother was the most notorious gossip hound on the street. “I don’t bring girls around. It’s going to happen regardless. Sorry.”

“I’m not ashamed.” Kelsey pursed her lips. “Or are you ashamed because I’m the knocked up teacher everyone’s been talking about?”


Dare crossed to me with a quickness that made me stumble back a step. “No. Absolutely fucking not.” He cupped my face and drew me up until I was actually on my toes. My heart was racing and emotions were pinging all over the place. Fight, flight, lust, and love.

God, so much love I couldn’t even comprehend it.

I wanted to shout it at him, but we hadn’t gone there. In the foggy bit of romance we’d tripped through, we hadn’t said that one very specific word. It felt like more than duty. It felt like we were actually a team. Or at least going to try and be a team.

And there was this. The kind of passion I only thought existed in books and movies. Would that burn out and then there would only be a child? Or just friendship. Maybe love that grew over the years?

He traced his thumbs over my cheeks so gently, but his eyes were fierce. “I could give two fucks what others think. All that matters is I’m yours and you’re mine. And our family. The one we build.”
