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Just Kelsey Ford and Dare Kramer.



“Are you sure?”

I tipped her chin up. “About this? Yeah. I’m sure.” I lowered my mouth to hers and forced myself to stay gentle. Emotions ran hot and wild when it came to this woman, but I was determined to show her we weren’t just hard, fast orgasms in between busy schedules.

I could be more than that.

“Come home with me. Let me show you.”

A soft and sweet, almost shy smile lit up her face. “Yeah.”

I drew her back into the restaurant. It seemed even louder now, but there was a bag waiting for us and the check in a folder with my card. I dashed off a good tip, bundled her into her jacket, and passed her the freakishly large bag in a million different colors she always seemed to carry.

I grabbed the white dinner bag and hustled her through the dining room to the front door. Once the food was loaded along with my precious cargo, I hurried around to the driver’s side.

“Half the town is going to know by tomorrow.”

“Yeah. Problem with that?” I asked as I buckled in.

“No.” Her smile flashed in the darkness as I pulled out of the parking lot. “Do you mind if I tell the girls?”

“Go ahead.”

She dug out her phone and her fingers flew over the keys as we made the ten minute drive to my house. I thought about going to her apartment, but I had a sitter for Wes and didn’t want to dash off when our skin cooled for once.

I wanted her with me tonight.

All night.

“Sage sent a gif with Beyoncé.”


She laughed. “If you like it, you better put a ring on it.”

“Only Sage.”

“And now that song is stuck in my head.” Her phone buzzed incessantly for five straight minutes between giggles before she tucked it back in her bag. She dashed away tears again and leaned into me. “They’re happy for me.”

“Good. I wouldn’t want to have to outrun a pregnant Sage and her mini-Viking crazy sidekick.”

A delighted laugh filled my car. “And that’s an accurate picture of them.”

She sat up straight as she realized we weren’t heading for Main Street. Similar houses lined the maze of my development. They weren’t new townhouses anymore. Just old enough to have issues—as I was learning with the house I’d bought after Katherine high-tailed it out of town.

I pulled around to the small garage attached to the house. I didn’t take my car out too often. In fact, I usually left it at my parents’ house since they had a three-car garage, but I’d wanted to show her I was more than just a grease monkey with a beat-up truck.

“Your house is so nice.”

I shrugged. “It’s not much, but it’s mine. Well, and the bank’s.”

She touched my arm. “Don’t say things like that. I certainly don’t have a house. And you did this all on your own to take care of Wes.”

I leaned over the console between us and kissed her. It got hotter than I wanted. Showing her I wasn’t just a mindless animal when I got around her was far harder than I thought it would be. I forced myself to slow it down, to go easy with her.
