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“So, it turns out I’m a little bit pregnant.”

Kelsey’s red eyebrows climbed toward her hairline. “Come again?”

“I’m knocked up. Like you. Well, not like you. Holy ready to burst.” I shuddered. “But you know, same concept.”

On the bright side, my sister did not look at me as if I’d grown another set of eyeballs or something equally horrific. She also did not cheer with unabashed joy.

Not really surprising about the joy part, considering I was unemployed and technically single and unemployed and technically single.

Yes, both bore repeating.

“Are you sure?”

A telltale tickle made me clear my throat. “According to Clear Blue Easy, Oopsy Daisy You’re Expecting, and Momma Beans, yes, I am.”

“Rylee.” Kelsey pressed her hands to her cheeks. “I—I don’t know what to say.”

That my normally chatty sister didn’t even have a comment made my eyes ache. They didn’t fill again, thank God, just burned. “That makes two of us.”

“Are you…” She stopped and took a breath. “This wasn’t planned?”

That I could still laugh was a minor miracle. “No. Definitely not.”

“Are you keeping it?”

I nodded vehemently. On that one point, I was certain. “Yes. This is my baby.”

Even as I said the words aloud, I heard Gage correcting me in my head.

Our baby.

“And the father?” Kelsey laced her fingers together over her swollen belly. “Have you thought of how you’re going to tell him?”

“Don’t have to. He was there when I found out.”


Yep, that was my sister, being all loquacious. “Oh?” I repeated.

“Yes, that’s a good sign then, if he’s involved that much. How did he react?”

“He kept me from hitting the floor. So, I’d say that’s a plus.” I rubbed my forehead. “Look, this is a tricky situation for all of us, but I wanted to give you a head’s up so you had time to get used to the idea before Dare finds out and gets all…Dare.”

“Why would Dare have an opinion? He’s your brother-in-law and he cares about you of course, but he wouldn’t presume to overstep and offer opinions where they weren’t wanted.”

“Because um, hello, the father is Gage. You really think Dare won’t insert his size thirteens and get all up in our business?”

I’d never seen a person pale before my eyes. Especially considering my sister was practically Casper the friendly ghost’s cousin in terms of skin tone to begin with. But yep, it was really a thing.

I was getting all kinds of educations this week. Lucky me.

“Whoops, sorry, I’m guessing you didn’t make that connection.” I looked down at my mostly flat belly and sighed. “Just call us two sisters for two brothers, Kel, because you aren’t the only Ford to get knocked up by a Kramer.”

“Oh, God.” Kelsey buried her face in her hands, her long red ponytail flopping forward over her head like a droopy penis. Lord, I had sex on the brain. “Oh, God.”

“That good, huh?”

“Dare is going to flip. He’s already got issues with Gage, and if he finds out he was irresponsible enough to knock you up, along with quitting racing—”
