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“Hold up, sister. What do you mean that he was irresponsible enough to knock me up when it takes two to tango? Also, uh, didn’t Dare plant his flag in your fertile bush before the bonds of matrimony had taken place?”

Just like that, color flooded Kelsey’s cheeks to replace all that she’d lost. “That was different.”

“Why, because now you’re happily married so the past doesn’t count?”

“Never mind that. Are you sure it’s Gage’s? Maybe it’s not. Maybe it’s someone else’s.”

“Excuse me? Do you think I’m some sort of hussy?” Indignation had me grabbing the donkey salt shaker and waving it for emphasis. After I made sure the little holes were closed.

See, I could be practical.

“No, of course not. It’s just sometimes hard to be certain. When I found out I was pregnant, I wasn’t sure who the father was at first, and it didn’t make me a hussy.” Kel frowned. “Though it was my one and only chance to say I was one, so maybe I should own it?”

“You own what you like. And seriously? You let Tommy slip you the sausage while you were riding Dare’s pony?”

“Too many metaphors. Save my brain.”

My lips twitched despite the situation. “After you had coitus with Dare, you really went back and had intercourse with Tommy? How?”

“Other way around, and it wasn’t that cut and dried. Tommy was just a one-time thing after his grandma’s funeral, and Dare brought me a pizza and—” She flushed up to her hairline and waved it off. “Anyway, this baby is Dare’s and we’re talking about you. I just wanted to make sure you had the DNA right. No shame in it if you’ve been with another guy.”

“Oh, the DNA’s right. No doubt there. I haven’t been with anyone else but him in all these months.” I set down the donkey and sighed. “Haven’t wanted to be either. He broke me somehow. And going back for seconds didn’t make me lose interest either. He’s got a magic tongue and magic hands and a magic—”

“Stop. Brother-in-law. Don’t make it weird when he passes the gravy boat, please.”

I had to laugh as I rubbed my thumbs under my eyes. I hated crying. “While we’re on the subject, do you mind giving me the name of your doctor here? I’d planned on just going back to Turnbull, but it seems like I’ll be at the doc’s more often for a bit. Local would be handier.”

Also, when it came time to give birth, closer was better. Since I would be in unrelenting agony and all, considering pumpkins weren’t supposed to be shoved out of narrow places. No matter what my biology teacher had said.

Yeah, I wasn’t going to think about that part yet.

“Sure. My doctor is fabulous. You’ll love her. The info is in my planner.”

“Of course. My super organized sister.”

And me? I thought I was doing well if I managed to remember what TV shows I wanted to DVR.

“I know it makes it awkward for you.”

“Forget me. Dare is going to have a kitten. He already thinks Gage can’t even remember to mail an envelope, and now he’s going to be responsible for a kid?” Kelsey’s frown lines deepened about six inches. “He is taking responsibility, isn’t he?”

“Well, it’s early days yet, but he seems to be. He’s been very attentive. Almost too much.”

“Kramer family trait.” Kelsey nodded sagely. “But we’ll make sure he understands this is an eighteen year commitment. Just so he doesn’t think he can dabble.”

Before I could ask what exactly that whole we thing meant, the front door opened with a wave of female laughter.

My belly clenched and I was pretty sure it wasn’t just because I was already ready for dinner though it was barely past lunch.

Kelsey squeezed my hand and lurched to her feet. “In here, girls.”

Sage Hamilton and Ally Hamilton strolled in, laden with bags of party gear. They stopped dead at the sight of me, though both quickly smiled. “Rylee. How nice to see you. Are you coming shopping with us?”

I smiled weakly at Ally. “Yeah, I figured I’d see what all went down at Baby Rama.”

God help me.

“Just as well you learn now before—” Kel broke off and clapped as she smiled brightly. “So, whatcha got in the bags?”
