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I started to reply, but Kinleigh was on a roll.

Because you don’t need 1 if it’s a prob.

I couldn’t type fast enough.


More text bubbles that produced no actual words.

Dammit, say something.

This time, there were no text bubbles at all, just a blurted response as if she’d already typed it and had been gathering her courage to press send.

We could just make a baby.


I had to be hallucinating. Did hallucinations include sound? I didn’t know, but I certainly had cause to wonder.

It took me a minute to remember how to type.

Exactly how much did you have to drink? For real. Sounds like more than a couple.

Or mebbe 3. Or 4?

Not that much. I’m still lucid. Ish.

That ish was what was concerning me. But it also wasn’t shutting me down. Far from it.

Kinleigh kept going.

I never got to float away. More like a lift then a crash & so many thoughts.

Here came the text bubbles again.

I tapped my fingers on the arm of my chair to try to keep myself from pacing while I waited for her response.

She couldn’t just ask me to make a baby with her and then leave me hanging.

Then again, why was I even still here? We could have this conversation in the guest room of Ivy’s half of the duplex, where she was likely spending the night. Ivy would probably be in bed by now, since the slam of a car door outside a little while ago meant Rory was home.

I didn’t want to think about their possible nocturnal occupations, but if they were busy, at least Kinleigh and I could talk in private.

Maybe make babies in private too.

Damn, what was I thinking? And I’d only had one beer.

I took another pregnancy test.

My fingers stilled on the arm of the chair.

Neg of course. Still neg. Why am I so sad?

I exhaled. I couldn’t answer that question, since I was just as sad. And it didn’t make any sense.

We’d never had an official date. We’d flirted—sort of—for years and we’d slept together once, but that was hardly a solid basis for creating a lifetime relationship.

Our nonexistent dating history wasn’t for lack of trying on my part. Yet I was good enough to father this baby she suddenly wanted? That I suddenly wanted?
