Page 15 of Bad Kitty

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She bowed up, grinding against him with soft pleas of her own. The climax bulleted through him, taking his vision and his ability to hold back in one sure shot. He flexed his hips and pounded into her, giving into the intense spiral of sensations he couldn’t fight any longer. Right now she was his in every way. Mine.

The last thing he heard, thought he heard, was a single word as she joined him in orgasm. “Patrick.”


Waking up in Patrick’s arms early—very ea

rly—the next morning? Heaven. Hearing him snore softly next to her ear? So damn sweet. Sure, she’d probably get annoyed if that sound greeted her on a daily basis, but she was willing to take the chance. She didn’t intend to ask him to move in or anything, but a nice, semi-committed dating relationship with equally nice, semi-often sleepovers and naked playdates worked just fine for her.

Nikki sighed and stroked his shoulder. She loved touching him. When she could hear his heartbeat and absorb the warmth of his skin under her palm, she could relax. All worries of what would happen next faded away. Best of all, she could lean up and kiss him awake and smile at his sleepy chuckle.

“Hey, you. Morning already?”

“Yeah.” She snuggled against him and wrapped her arms securely around his waist. He was solidly built, a man’s man. In every way. A wicked grin crossed her face.

He tipped up her chin. “What’s with the gleam in the eye?” He groaned. “Again?”

“Maybe.” She ran her hand down his chest to stroke his not-so-sleepy cock. “Should I get out my whip?”

He let out a long hiss of breath. “Baby, that whip almost killed me last time.”

“I know.” She reached under the covers and patted his tight ass. She’d watched it saunter past her desk way too many times and knew exactly how good he looked in jeans. “Especially since I’d like to smack it right here, right on these firm cheeks.”

“God, stop. Don’t put those pictures in my head. Not when we need to talk.”

Her heart fluttered. Uh oh. Here we go. “Why?”

His brows drew together. “What do you mean, why? Because we do.”

“It’s Halloween.” Well, not anymore, but she didn’t want to talk and that seemed as good a reason as any. “Talking’s basically prohibited on that day. It’s just for having fun and having—”

“Sex?” His lips twitched.

“Yes.” She crossed her arms. Always good to take a smart defensive stance when one was naked in bed with the guy they’d just had sex—all kinds of sex—with. “So whatever you insist on talking about, I bet it’s not anything that should be discussed on Halloween.”

“It’s technically November first now.”

“Yeah, well, there’s a grace period—”

A cell phone went off with an annoying series of beeps. Clearly not hers, because her phone did not sound like an old-fashioned pager. She glared at Patrick, though she didn’t know why. Maybe because he looked way too sexy with his brown hair all shaggy and his mouth still soft with sleep. And he wanted to talk. “Is that yours?”

“Yeah.” With the sigh of all sighs, he rolled out of bed and went to grab his costume off the floor. “Gimme just a second,” he said when he checked the readout.

“Sure.” It was probably little miss strumpet from the party, wondering where Patrick had gone. “Got nothing but time,” she added with a bright smile.

He slanted her a look but answered anyway. “What’s up, East?” Then he looked at her and winced so hard she was afraid he’d do himself serious harm. “Yeah, what?”

He turned his back and whispered into the phone, making her roll her eyes. Did he really think she couldn’t still hear him?

“What’s the deal, man? Why did Abby call you? No, we didn’t hook up after. Absolutely not.”

Abby. The girl from last night, maybe? And if so, that rang a distant bell in her mind. Hadn’t Patrick had a girlfriend by that name once? Or maybe Ashley?

She frowned and settled back in the pillows. Whatever. She wasn’t his girlfriend now, that was all that mattered. Even if Easton had assumed they’d hooked up again.

The important thing was that Patrick had come to her. All the rest was just noise.

“No, I’m not upset she was there.” He cast a quick glance over his shoulder at Nikki. “Besides, it wasn’t me she wanted to hook up with.” A brief pause. “C’mon, you didn’t know she had a thing for you? Well, surprise, surprise.”
