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“Nope. I don’t want to share you with anyone ever again.”

“I don’t want to share you either.”

He shoved to his feet and held his hand out for me. I let Alex help me up, and then the two of us were running toward the resort. We raced, and the bastard beat me, which I pretended to be upset about. It was so us, and it was perfect.

When we got back to the room, we tumbled into the shower together, kissing and letting the water remove the sand and just savoring each other.

Alex dried me off, then took my hand and walked me to the bed. I’d always been the one to lead things during sex, but I felt comfortable handing the reins to Alex.

He pulled lube and a condom from his bag and set them beside us on the mattress. I was on my back, with my best friend, my husband, leaning over me, our naked bodies fitting together like a puzzle.

“Are you scared?” Alex asked.

“No, I’m horny,” I said, making him chuckle, then added, “It’s you. How can I be scared to do anything when it’s with you?”

“Jesus, Caden.”

“I’m good, huh?” I teased.

Alex leaned down and kissed me again, rutting against me. Our cocks rubbed together, and goddamn, who knew that could be so amazing?

He went easily when I rolled us over, and I deepened the kiss, letting go of everything else but the two of us. The world, coming out, telling my dad, all of it melted away when I looked into his eyes.

“I need to get you ready, right?” I’d never had anal sex before. None of the women I’d been with had been interested in it, but I figured some things were self-explanatory.

“Yeah, you want me to do it?”

“Fuck no. That pleasure will be all mine. But maybe next time, because that would be hot to watch.” I plucked the bottle from the mattress, opened it, and slicked my fingers. “Just tell me if I’m doing something wrong or if something doesn’t feel good. I mean, I know it’s a long shot that would happen, but still.” I grinned, hoping he enjoyed joking around when I was about to put my dick in his ass for the first time.

Would he eventually want to do that with me too? I was pretty sure he would.

“Well, I’m already getting bored, so maybe it’s more likely than you think,” Alex countered. God, I loved him. He was the best.

“Liar. You’ve been in love with me since you were sixteen. There’s no way you’re bored.”

“You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”

“Nope. Now be quiet while I concentrate.”

I knelt between Alex’s spread thighs. He was hard, his cock veiny and pulsing. Precome leaked from the slit, dripping down to his belly. His balls were tight and full, ready to let loose…for me. “Christ, you’re beautiful. Everything about you.” I stroked a slick hand up his dick, smiled when he hissed in response.

“I can’t believe I get to hear you say things like that about me now.”

“Believe it, because I never plan to stop.” Maybe it should’ve been harder for me to think that about him, or to acknowledge it, but it wasn’t. Not with Alex.

I slid my fingers down behind his balls, rubbed his taint, working my way toward his hole. Alex pulled his legs back, giving himself to me, showing me that tight ring between his cheeks that would soon be mine.

“Jesus, A. Look at you, opening yourself up for me like a little slut.”

His cock twitched against his belly. Someone liked that.

“Get inside me.”

“I will.” I traced his rim, watching as I pressed forward and the tip of my finger dipped inside him.

“Oh fuck,” Alex moaned as I went deeper.

“Holy shit, I can’t believe this. You’re so tight.”


“Let me savor this, A. Let me savor you.”

And I did exactly that, fucking him with one digit while stroking his cock with the other hand, before letting go, only to work him up again. I gave him two next, then three. His body stretched for me beautifully, Alex fucking into my fist and growling when I’d pull back.

I loved this, driving him wild this way.

I was aching, caught between wanting to draw this out all night and sinking my dick inside him. I reveled in every sound he made, every curse and thrust, and how his body tightened around me when I made him laugh. Eventually, I couldn’t hold back anymore. I felt like I would die if I didn’t take him, claim him.

“I need you,” I told him, my voice trembling.

“Me too.”

I fumbled with the condom before finally ripping the package open with my teeth. I was so sensitive, even just touching myself to roll it on had me losing my mind. Once I lubed up, I shoved a pillow beneath Alex’s ass, then held his gaze as I pushed inside him.
