Page 18 of Unconstrained

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“Yes. He’s not going to be a problem anymore.”

“Are you all right?” Beau asked Leland.

“Yeah. Snake got here in time.”

“The fucking bastard hit him,” Snake said.

Beau nodded, but Corbin was the next to speak. “Why don’t the two of you deal with this situation while I take Leland to get some ice for his face.”

I was in too much shock to protest, so I let him lead me out of the room.



When I turned back from watching Leland walk away, Beau was glaring at me. “Obviously you ignored what I said about him.”

I sighed. “Could you at least help me get rid of this body before you beat me or whatever you have planned?”

Beau huffed. “I have better ways than hitting you to make you suffer, and I would use them if it wasn’t so obvious that you’ve fallen for him.”

I started to protest, but I didn’t have the strength. After being scared I’d be too late to save Leland, then fighting Trigger, my adrenaline had finally run out. I felt sick and shaky.

“No witty come back?” Beau asked.

“He deserves better than me.”

Beau snorted. “He could also do worse.”

“Then why did you threaten me?”

“Because he doesn’t need someone who’s going to walk away.”

I wanted to stay so badly, but how could I without fucking things up worse. “You know that’s what I’m going to do.”

“People can change, Snake.”

* * *

After we’d taken care of Trigger and debriefed with the Theriots, Beau headed to put up the supplies we’d used, and I debated whether to tell Leland goodbye before I left, but I didn’t get to make that choice. He walked out of the office building as I stood brooding next to my bike.

“Are you leaving again?” Leland asked, the bitter tone in his voice hitting me like a slap.

“You don’t really want me in your life. I’m trouble.”

“I thought that was over.”

“The problem with the MC is over, but trust me, I’ll be in trouble with someone else soon enough.”

“I thought you wanted to change.”

He grinned. “I want to stay out of jail. That doesn’t mean I want to be a good boy.”

He rolled his eyes. “I doubt you ever could be.”

“I don’t like rules. I don’t like to be confined.” Except with him, I might not mind it. “You’ve got a good thing going here, and I’m not going to fuck that up.”

“You saved my life.”

“And you saved mine.”

Leland frowned. “I didn’t.”

“You think I would have lasted long with that bullet in my arm?”

“You said you could take it out yourself.”

I grinned. “I maybe could have.”

“Damnit, Snake. You would have found a way.”

“Because of you I didn’t have to, so we’re even. You don’t owe me shit.”

“I don’t care about that. I just… “

“You know it’s best if I leave.” Shit. I sounded like I was trying to convince myself.

Leland glared at me. “Fine. Ride off into the sunset.”


“I’ve got work to do.”

He turned and walked away.

I took a step in his direction, then froze. What was I doing? It was best for him if I left. I loved him, but he shouldn’t be tangled up with me.

I turned and saw Beau walking toward me. “Are you about to make an idiot of yourself?”

“I’m leaving.”

“And you weren’t even going to say goodbye?”

I rolled my eyes. “I thought you’d be happy to see the back of me.”

“I might, but he isn’t.” Beau inclined his head toward Leland as he disappeared into the back garage.

“He’ll get over it.”

“Yeah, he will, but will you?”

Did he have to make this even harder? “Fuck, Beau. I’m not—”

“You’re not stupid.”

“That’s why I’m leaving. He deserves better.”

“So do you.”

I took a step toward him. “Don’t you dare insult him.”

Beau rolled his eyes. “I don’t mean better than Leland. I mean better than what you’re expecting of yourself.”

“I know what I’m like.”

“And you think you can’t change?”

I blew out a breath. “I’m not cut out to settle down.”

“You’ve never had anything that made it worth it.”

“You’re practically an upstanding citizen now. Do you really think I’ve got that in me?”

Beau laughed. “Not exactly, and you don’t have to be perfect. That’s not what Leland is looking for.”

“How do you know?”

“The boy needs stability and someone who makes him believe he matters.”

And fuck if that didn’t hit me like a punch to the gut. “He does matter, but that’s why I can’t stay.”

“Idiot.” Beau shook his head and walked away.

I stood there, staring at the garage door, trying to catch a glimpse of Leland. Could I really walk away from him again?

Before I could decide either way, Leland came stomping out of the garage, headed toward me. The look on his face terrified me. I rarely doubted my strength, but at that moment I wasn’t sure I could take him down, not that I ever would.

“I changed my mind,” Leland said, voice harder than I’ve ever heard it. “This time I’m not letting you walk away.”
