Page 58 of Lovescenes

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‘She looks awful, Make-up,’ the director said, ig­noring her. ‘Get in here and do something about the color of her face, will you? What did you do? Spend the weekend in Bermuda?’

‘No, no, I didn’t,’ she said nervously. ‘In fact, the pipes broke in my apartment, and I spent the weekend...’

‘That was a rhetorical question, Miss Padgett. Frankly, I don’t care if you spent in it Timbuktu.’ The control room door slammed and Jerry stalked on to the set, Rima the Prima by his side. ‘Make-up, I want Padgett to look as if she has a glow of excitement, not a goddamned fever, understand?’

‘Sure, Jerry,’ the make-up man said. He rolled his eyes and gave Shannon a sympathetic smile. ‘No problem.’ He turned her face to the light and began dusting her cheeks with powder. ‘Don’t let him get to you,’ he whispered. ‘Some Mondays are worse than others.’

‘He’s never been this bad before,’ she murmured.

The make-up man nodded. ‘I think he’s annoyed be­cause Morgan’s not here. I heard him muttering some­thing to Rima.’

‘But Cade didn’t have any scenes today.’ She closed her eyes as the powder puff moved lightly across her forehead. ‘What’s the difference?’

‘All 1 know is what I heard, dear. The man was going on about Morgan being self-interested... tilt your chin up a bit, will you?’

‘Rima’s the one who’s selfish,’ she said, doing as he’d asked. ‘Crawford changed her lines three times this morning, just to suit her. And meanwhile he’s done nothing but bark at me. And Rima loves every minute of it. She keeps looking at me with that smug smile on her face.’

‘Yes, I noticed. Well, just tune out.’

‘1 wish I could, but...’ Shannon raised her hand to her cheek and touched it lightly. ‘Is my face really red?’

‘Your cheeks are kind of ruddy, yes, but don’t worry about it. I’ll bring the color down.’

‘I hope I’m wrong,’ she said slowly, ‘but I just realized ... Is this a bump, Arnie? Next to my nose?’ She closed her eyes and bit back a moan. ‘Tell me it isn’t.’

‘Listen, if you’re talking about an allergy attack, forget it,’ the make-up man hissed. ‘Crawford will skin us both.’

‘Oh Lord, I can feel it happening! My skin is be­ginning to tingle... It’s his fault, anyway. How much of this glop can a face take? First my cheekbones were too high, then they were too flat. My eye liner was too dark when we started and then it was too light...’

‘Be sure and tell him that,’ Amie muttered. ‘Are you kidding? It’s going to be your fault—and mine, of course. Can’t you do something?’

‘I have some antihistamine tablets in my dressing- room. Maybe he’ll call a break. If I take the tablets fast enough...’

‘Make-up, what the hell’s taking so long?’

‘I’m almost done, Jerry.’ Amie ran his finger along Shannon’s forehead. ‘I hate to tell you this,’ he whis­pered frantically, ‘but you’re getting pinker by the second and you’ve got some little spots up here. Another five minutes, you’re probably going to look like a lobster.’

‘Bad analogy. I’m allergic to shellfish, too. All right, all right, don’t look at me that way. I’ll find a way to get through this next scene in one take and then I’ll get some anti­histamine. Jerry will never know anything’s wrong.’

‘One take?’ The make-up man jerked his head towards the side of the set. ‘Rima’s in this scene, remember? It’ll take a dozen shots to get this one in the can. In fact, considering Crawford’s mood, you’ll be lucky to be done by nightfall.’

Shannon’s glance skittered past Arnie’s shoulder and her eyes met Rima’s coolly amused gaze. ‘Well, then, I’ll ask for a break. I’ll say I’ve got to go to the john or something.’

‘Aren’t you done yet, Make-up?’ Jerry asked irritably.

‘Yes, yes, all finished. There we go.’

Jerry scowled as the man scuttled off to the side and then he motioned Rima forward.

‘Rima, dear, this is a pivotal scene,’ he said pleasantly, slipping an arm around her shoulders. ‘I want the audience to empathize with you. As for you, Padgett,’ he said coldly, ‘you’ve just been told your father left you controlling interest in the company Rima thought was hers and you can’t wait to rub it under her nose. Your stepmother’s never been your favorite person and this is the chance you’ve been waiting for. Try and look alive, please. You were as exciting as my Great-Aunt Tillie during the run- through.’

Just look at that, Shannon thought, staring at Jerry as he stood with his arm around Rima. When did she become his favorite person?

‘I’ll do my best,’ she said carefully, touching her index finger to her cheek. Her face felt as if it were on fire. She cleared her throat and forced her lips back from her teeth in what she hoped was a smile. ‘Uh, Jerry, I was just wondering—were you planning on calling a break soon?’

There was a thick silence. ‘No, I was not, Miss Padgett,’ the director said with forced cordiality. ‘But I gather you were hoping I was.’

Shannon nodded. ‘Yes,’ she said brightly, ‘I was. I— uh—I need a couple of minutes. I have to...’

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