Page 64 of Lovescenes

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‘Wonderful, isn’t it?’ Shannon asked sweetly. ‘Cade gets killed in a car crash.’

‘Johnny gets killed in a car crash,’ Claire said care­fully. ‘And so does Alana. But there’s a love scene first. You’ll have to play it.’

‘You’re wrong, Claire. It’s not a love scene, it’s a bedroom scene. That’s all they ever were. I made the mistake of thinking they were something else.’ Shannon got to her feet. ‘Anyway, that’s next week. I’ll be fine by then.’

‘Look, I’m not trying to pressure you, but that’s only a couple of days from now. You make it sound as if you’ve got forever to work this out.’

‘There’s nothing to work out,’ Shannon answered, coming back into the alcove with her handbag. ‘I’m an actress with a commitment to Tomorrows. That’s all there is to it. Besides, didn’t you just say Jerry was pleased with my work?’

‘Yeah, but, well, when Morgan shows up...All I’m saying is it might be a good idea if you’d call him at the number he left with my secretary.’

‘I have nothing to say to the man. I thought you understood that.’ I

‘I do, and I agree with you, Shannon. He’s a bastard. But...’

‘I just wish I’d trusted my own instincts. The SOB used me! I don’t know which I was, an audition for Tomorrows or for the Hollywood movie role he wanted or—or just a diversion’ Her voice trembled and she hated herself for it. ‘Not that it matters.’’

‘Sweetie, don’t go over all this again.’

‘He knew all along that he was going to--tot walk away from me if he got the chance...’ Her eyes met Claire’s and she took a deep breath. ‘Everything be­tween us was a lie,’ she said softly. ‘Right till the end, when he handed me that story about a last-minute meeting on the Coast. No wonder he gave me that speech about Tomorrows and how it had been there before him and would go on after him.’ Shannon stalked across the room and snatched her coat from the peg. ‘That was the closest he got to the truth, but then, what if his little deal had fallen through? Suppose Scorpio had said sent him back to New York with his tail between his legs? Why give up a sure thing in New York until you’ve cemented what you’ve got in Hollywood, right? Why not hang on to a part and a woman and—and—‘

Tears burned her eyes. Stop that, she told herself. She was not going to cry. She hated Morgan. Despised him. Why waste tears on such a despicable human being?

‘Shannon,’ her agent said gently, ‘you have to get over him.’

‘I am over him. I am absolutely over him. I just—I just get angry and—and—‘ Shannon stopped the rush of words. ‘Okay,’ she said briskly, forcing a smile, ‘what time is that audition for the Neil Simon revival?’

‘Three o’clock. It’s a good part, sweetie.’

‘Yes, but you know I’ve never done comedy.’

‘Look, they want an actress, not a comic.’

‘We hope.’ Shannon glanced at her wristwatch and made a face. ‘Oh, wow! If I don’t hurry, I’ll be late. And we can’t have that happen, can we? After all, I’m not a big star like Mr. Morgan or Rima the Prima. I have to play by the rules.’

‘You would, anyway,’ Claire said softly. ‘That’s one of the nicest things about you.’

Shannon looked at the other woman. Then she went back to the table and gave her a quick hug. ‘Thank you.’

‘For what?’

‘For everything. The roof over my head and all your encouragement.’

Claire smiled. ‘Just go show the world what a pro you are, sweetie.’

An hour later, Jerry Crawford draped his arm around Shannon’s shoulder.

‘OK,’ he said, ‘we’re going to tape your final con­frontation with Rima. Remember, you expect trouble when she calls and asks you to meet her. You don’t know she’s going to tell you Johnny’s only been after your money, but you sense something’s up. You don't like her and you don’t trust her. I want you to make the audience feel your animosity. Can you do that?’

Shannon glanced past the director to where Rima the Prima stood. ‘Oh, I can do that,’ she said softly. ‘No problem.’

‘And then we’ll talk about your scenes with Cade next week, okay?'

‘Jerry, believe me, I don’t need a pep talk. I know you’re worried about the bedroom scene, but there won’t be a problem. In fact, I’ve already memorized my lines.’

‘Good girl;’ the director said, patting her on the back. ‘I knew you’d come through. Right, places, everybody. Rima, are you ready?’

Shannon took a couple of steadying breaths. She had sounded really convincing that time—almost good enough to believe herself. Well, by Monday it would be true. When she came on the set next week, she’d be ready for Cade Morgan and that damned bed. More than ready.

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