Page 12 of Make Her Mine

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I search his sharp blue gaze, my heart pounding violently. Why do I feel so open around him? Why do I want to trust him so fast when I hardly know a thing about him?

It must be those eyes. They’re too clear to conceal anything he’s feeling. And right now, he looks … regretful.

I worry the corner of my lip between my teeth for a moment before I lean closer to him and say, “Enough about me. Your brother will figure it out too, the way mine did. I mean, Ian’s doing great now.” I crack a smile. “He’s working from home for a shipping company, processing customs documents. Bought his own apartment and everything.”

Stone arches his light brown eyebrows. “Really?”

“Yeah, it took him forever to save up for the deposit, but he basically gave up his social life for a few years straight and it paid off.” I grin because I really am proud of my brother. I don’t tell him that often enough. I just freak out about him possibly going off the deep end again, instead. Like yesterday morning. Later, I’ll have to apologize for that.

For now, though, I force myself to put my brother and his big secret into the back of my mind because our waitress reappears with our check. Stone’s eyes search out mine again. “What do you think, Skye?” he asks. “Should we order a bottle of wine, some dessert? Or should we get out of here?”

My heart pounds in my throat. I feel the beat of it, growing stronger with every brush of his skin over mine. Normally I would never turn down dessert, or a nice bottle of dry red, but he’s been watching me all night. His gaze hungry. His touch promising. I’m craving something, alright, but it’s sure as hell not dessert.

“Depends,” I murmur, low and throaty. “Where are we going?”

His eyes light up, and that dimple comes into view as his smile stretches into something dangerous. Predatory. Sinfully beautiful.

“My place,” he says.



As tempting as it would be to go back to her apartment, to learn more about her by seeing how she lives at home, it’s not safe there. Rich is already on my case about hurrying up, so I’ve got no doubt he’ll have other goons there staking it out, making sure I comply with his orders. At my place, I’ve taken certain precautions. Blackout curtains, a blind corner that leads up to my unit, and a standing agreement with Rich that if I ever catch Man Bun or his other minions hovering around, I’m perfectly within my rights to knock them the fuck out and deposit them hog-tied at the nearest police station.

Needless to say, Rich has never dared to step foot in my pad.

I speed home at least twenty miles per hour faster than I should, but fuck it. No red-blooded man could blame me. Not with the woman in the seat beside me. Her blue eyes peer at me through strands of black hair that’s escaped her ponytail and the hitch in her breath makes her breasts heave when I drop my hand from the gearshift to trace it along the insides of her thighs. I can feel the heat coming from her sweet pussy and it takes all my self-control not to stop on the side of the road. Just for a quick taste.

We pull up in the parking lot outside my place, steps from the front door of the studio apartment I’m renting, and it’s all I can do not to jump her right here. She’s that tempting. But my neighbors have been nosy since I moved in. I want the world to know she’s mine—and I’ll tell anyone who asks, any man who dares look in her direction—but that possessiveness runs a little deeper tonight. I don’t want to risk anyone catching a glimpse of her our first time together.

Tonight, I want her all to myself.

I step out first, as soon as the truck’s in park, and cross to her side to catch her hand as she climbs out. Her lush body brushes against mine when she steps down, and I move in to pin her against the seat, running my fingers through her long, black hair. With a harsh tug, I free it from its ponytail to let it cascade over her shoulders.

“Like this,” I rasp. “I can’t get enough of seeing your hair like this.”

“Okay,” she whispers, eyes wide.

I dip my head to hers. Her breath, scented like the mints from the restaurant, breezes across my cheek. When I kiss her this time, it’s a slow, hot burn. She’s soft and supple in my arms, melting, and I lose myself in her. I forget where I end and she starts. For a long moment, we only kiss, exploring each other’s lips. Finally, I force myself to step back and grab her hand instead, pulling her into the apartment building.

Like I said. I want her to myself.

At the top of the staircase I kiss her again, pressing her against the wall as I unlock my front door, my hand already inching under her gray, silky shirt, reaching up to unclasp her bra at the same time the door clicks open.

As I slam the door behind me, she reaches for me again, but I stop her with a single raised finger, then let my hand brush over that silky fabric once more. “Get rid of this,” I growl.

She blushes, but she grins too. Giving me a shy look, she takes the hem of her shirt in both hands and lifts it over her head. Oh, fuck yes. The slinky material lands on my couch, her lacy black bra still on.

“That next,” I tell her, licking my lips. “I want you naked for me, beautiful.”

After a quick glance over her shoulder to see where she’s going, she walks backwards, her hands reaching behind her to unhook her bra. Being that it’s a studio apartment, the bed is only a short distance away. She drops her arms halfway to the bed, and lets her bra slide off, her perfect, milk-white breasts springing free, standing to attention on their own in a way I’ve never seen on a woman. Her tits defy gravity and my hands clench at my sides because I’ve got to have her. I’ve got to touch her.

She’s still walking, unbuttoning her jeans now, without me saying a word. Undoing her zipper, she sways her hips from side-to-side in a tantalizingly slow dance as she lets the denim inch over her skin to reveal her body. She pauses for a moment beside my bed, and I take a seat, my cock straining in my jeans.

“I want to see all of you naked, Skye,” I say and she flushes and nods before returning her focus to her jeans.

She’s practically dancing now, shimmying out of her skintight material to a beat I can almost feel. Girl’s got moves. My gaze follows her, and she blooms beneath it, opening up to me like a pair of legs unfolding. When she bends over to pull her jeans off and toss them across the room, leaving her standing before me in nothing but a lacy black thong that shows off that ass I’ve dreamt about, I lose control.

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