Page 47 of Dirty Heat

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Carnal touch.

Mouth, tongue, dick.

Wet licks.

Deep strokes.

Long-lasting dick.

Roosevelt’s body shudders.

My pussy floods with warmth and thick cream.

And all I can think is, this is a goddamn tragedy!


“Ooooh, you scandalous bitch,” my sister Mecca says, leaning in, propping her elbows up on the table. “How the heck are you going to sneak off to a romantic island and not take your man?”

Over lunch, I shared with Mecca that I’ve planned a trip to St. Lucia next week. A trip I booked spur of the moment, after getting an email alert for last-minute deals flying out of LaGuardia Airport to Caribbean destinations.

I chose St. Lucia.

Chose to live on the edge a little.


And what happens in St. Lucia stays in St. Lucia.

I shrug, reaching for my glass of wine. “Easy. I booked the flight. Then told Roosevelt I was going away with a few of my sorors for the weekend.”

“And he was okay with that?”

“Of course he was.”

She tosses her weave, swiping her bang from out of her eye. “Well, why didn’t I get an invite, heifer?”

“Because I don’t want your happily married ass becoming an accomplice to anything I may or may not do while I’m soaking in the sunshine, and the sights.”

“An accomplice?” She laughs. “Oh, please. To what?”

“To whatever the universe and the gods have in store for me. You do remember what happened to Stella, don’t you?”

She smacks her lips together. “Uh-huh. And you see what happened to that old, thirsty bitch.”

I laugh. “Well, I ain’t old. And I ain’t thirsty.”

“Well, bitch, what groove are you trying to get back then? Wait.” She gives me a hard stare, raising her brow. “Is there trouble in paradise? Things with you and Roosevelt are good, right?”

“Yes, yes…of course. Things are great with us.”

In dramatic form, she collapses back in her seat, placing a hand over her heart. “Whew. That’s good to know. My heart couldn’t handle the two of you being on the outs. The way Roosevelt looks at you, with so much love.” She shakes her head. “Mmph.”

“Girl, you know I know. That man loves me endlessly.”

“Uh-huh, I know he does, which is why I’m still struggling to understand why you are going to St. Lucia. Alone. Not unless…?”

I raise a brow. “Not unless what?”
