Page 13 of Bulletproof Weeks

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“Insane. For books? I just don’t get it,” Sarah blurted out.

Marcus shot her a look with a single raised brow. Sarah immediately stood straight and clasped her hands behind her back.

“So Logan paid the expenses for you to follow me around to auctions? Doesn’t that sound nuts?”

He didn’t answer her.

“I have a right to know why I would need to be under surveillance. That much you should be able to tell me, correct?”

“As I said it was a pre—”

“If you say preventative measure again, I’m going to flip this table.”

He folded his arms. “Well, I definitely wouldn’t need to have Elijah and Sarah on your detail if that was the case.”

She pushed back from the table—that didn’t move because the stupid thing was probably bolted to the floor—and paced away. Logan had been oddly security conscious when she’d been around him, but she assumed that was just because of the amount of fans that were constantly surrounding him.

Now that she thought about it, he didn’t exactly seem the entourage sort. Not when he wore Henley shirts so faded and worn they were as soft as skin. Not when his jeans were actually ripped and shredded from wear, instead of being hit strategically by a razor that cost a grand a pair. He might be wealthy, but he didn’t flash it around. It was obvious in the quality around him at his home and the shoes he wore, but she bet the average fan didn’t know about the banged up truck he loved to drive. Or the mismatched furniture that filled his house with warmth and comfort.


Just one thought and a flood of images took over her mind. She firmly slammed the door on those. There was nothing but trouble there.

“I need to talk to Logan.”

“Your prerogative, but I have no information that I can give you.”

“Not even a phone number?”

“Why don’t you have that already?”

Because they crashed and burned so hard that there were still scorch marks down Main Street in Winchester Falls.

Because she couldn’t bear the thought of talking to him.

And the one time she’d caved and called his number it had been disconnected.

“What are the chances you keep this conversation to yourself?”

Marcus folded his hands on the table. “I check in with clients on Fridays.”

She searched his face and pinpointed the slightest change in demeanor. She had a few hours to figure her shit out.

Marcus stood. “Sarah will show you out. She’ll keep her distance, but she will be in your vicinity, Ms. Grace. That part of the contract I can’t change.”

Bella stood and gathered her bags. She held out her hand. “I’m sorry we had to meet under such circumstances.”

“Likewise. Good luck.”

Sarah was standing sentinel at the stairs so she followed her up to the hallway that lead to the elevator. They silently rode the elevator down and Resting Bitch Face Sarah was back. Bella sighed as the door opened to the lobby. “Look, we got off on the wrong foot. Until I get this straightened out, I understand you have a job to do. I won’t cause trouble.”

Sarah nodded sharply once and followed her to the desk. She quickly checked in with the human wrecking ball that manned the desk and they both left.

Bella flagged down a cab and held the door. “I need to make some phone calls, but I’ve got some errands to do.”

“I can get around on my accord, Princess.”
