Page 17 of Bulletproof Weeks

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“No one but you, Izzy. There’s been no one.”

Her eyes widened. “But…”

He cupped the back of her head with both hands and pushed her hair back so she could see him and know the absolute truth. “No one.”

The sound she made as he slid inside of her would live in his head for the rest of his days. Wonder and a breathy sigh of absolute pleasure. This he could give her. He’d find the words after, but for now there was nothing more important than showing her just what she meant to him and how being away from her had killed him.

He drove into her with slow, measured thrusts until they were slick with sweat and the silky glide of her body accepting his. When their keening groans grew frustrated, he focused on her and the way he knew exactly what she needed. He thrummed and plucked, stroked and gripped until she was wrapped in him.

Until he could roll her under him and open her wide so she had no choice but to accept this one thing that was always right between them. He curled himself over and around her as she broke. He accepted the biting edge of her teeth on his shoulder and the burning trail of her nails at his back.

He lived for the pain and the pleasure. And in the dark, where there was nothing but a tiny line of firelight in his room, he loved her with all that he had and finally felt alive.


Bella gasped out a breath. He was heavy. The kind of heavy she didn’t know she’d missed. She turned her face into his neck and licked at the raspy scruff below his beard that whorled around his Adam’s apple. Salt and Logan.

She desperately needed a shower. In fact, she didn’t even want to think about how much she’d needed one before they’d gotten horizontal. Planes, no hotel, a whore’s bath over the sink in the bathroom. She was a level beyond road rash, but he held onto her like she was something perfect and fragile.

The magic of Logan was the way he made her feel soft and strong at the same time, sometimes even in the span of a minute. And yet he’d managed to carve out her heart with a spoon called lies.

She let her legs and arms fall away as the afterglow slid away like the sweat drying at her temples.

Logan propped himself up on his forearms and looked down at her. “Hey.”


He pressed a kiss to her forehead, then to her temple. “I’ll explain everything. Just know that everything I did was because I wanted to protect you.”

She pushed at his shoulders. “You think that’s a good excuse?” He rolled his hips against her and his cock lengthened inside of her. She closed her eyes. “You don’t get to do that.”

She hated that her voice cracked on a whisper, but when he slid out of her and moved off of her, she was finally able to roll to her side. She needed space.

He wrapped his arm around her middle and dragged her back against him. He pressed his lips to her ear. “You listen, Isabella Grace. I’m not kidding when I say I did it to protect you.”

She stilled in front of him, tightening all of her muscles when all she wanted to do was melt back into him. She turned her head and looked over her shoulder. His perfectly clear green eyes met hers. For a moment, she felt bad about the puffy bruise ringing his left eye, but then remembered all the hurt and pain of the last few months and steeled herself against it. “Then quit the bullshit and tell me why I needed someone to watch over me.”

“Because of a woman.”

She stiffened and tried to roll away, but he maneuvered her onto her back and caged his arm around her, his heavy thigh pinning her into the mattress. “No. Not like that, Izzy.”

“Logan, let me go.”

“You’re here and you want to know what happened, then you stay there and you listen.”

She shook her hair out of her eyes and curled her fingers around his forearm, unrepentant when her nails dug into his muscled flesh. “I’m listening.”

He gritted his teeth, but he didn’t move. It was then that she finally took in his tired eyes and heavily bearded face. The fullness had an undeniable auburn aspect to it that made his freckles stand out and his skin seem far paler than just losing his summer tan. But the muscles were new. Logan had always been a densely muscular guy, but now he was a little overwhelming. Strength radiated off of him, where it had only ever been an elegant athleticism before.

And all of it was hovering over her with serious intent.

Her grip on his arm eased. What could bring out this kind of transformation? She’d missed him, ached for him in the night, but she had survived without him. She knew right now that if she walked out that door she’d have one helluva setback, but she could live her life without him.

Something would be undeniably missing, but eventually she’d move on.

Logan looked haunted.

She stuffed down the urge to react and shout. She brushed her knuckles down his cheek then cupped his jaw. “I’m listening.”
