Page 27 of Bulletproof Weeks

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He grinned at her then snagged her hand and dragged her into the living room. “Work is seriously going to kick my ass. I gotta get to a studio. The one that I love working in is home.”


“No. Winchester Falls.”

“Oh.” She sat down on the couch. They’d been purposefully avoiding talking about anything since the whole love word had been thrown all over the place like confetti. It was pretty and brought joy, but damn, did it leave a mess.

And it sure as hell wasn’t going back in the bag.

Nor did she want it to.

“I want us to go back together.”

She crossed her arms over her stomach. Since he’d left, he hadn’t had to deal with the fall out of their love life being town gossip. Or, the magazine fodder for that matter.

“It’s my home, Iz. Yours too.”

She nodded. “Yes. I know.” And God, she missed it. More than she thought was possible.

“I know I’m not exactly the best relationship material, but I want us to make it work.”

Those words had given her hope a few months ago. But less than twelve hours after he’d said it, there had been nothing but pain. And she knew in her head that there were a lot of extenuating circumstances, but…

She swallowed. “I want that, Logan. But you got to walk away after—well, after the last time.”

His eyes met hers. His earnest bottle green gaze bore into hers. “I made a mess last time. I get that.”

“Do you?” She stood and it was her turn to pace. “I couldn’t even walk into the diner without fourteen-year-old girls talking behind their phones and tablets. Sometimes laughter, other times they were staring at me because of those pictures.” She rubbed her arms. “I run a business, Logan.”

She’d looked like a fool.

Pride was a hard thing to win back. And the entire town thinking she’d been with a man that cheated on her openly had left her raw. And worst of all, she felt stupid. And for her, that was a far greater offense.

He came up behind her, curling his arm around her waist. “I wish I could take it back.” Cheek against her temple, he held her tightly against him. “Because that’s one thing that I could have controlled.”

She turned. “What?”

“I’m not going to lie to you. I told you I wouldn’t ever again.”

She stepped back.

“No.” He twisted his fingers with hers. “No, don’t do that.”

“You said you didn’t do anything with Lindsey.”

“God, no. No, there’s been no one but you since the moment I saw you in that barn. I tried. I did everything I could think of to erase you. Liquor was my worst offense, but even that couldn’t do the trick.”

She let him draw her into his arms. He curled one around her back, the other was simply a hand on her shoulder, his thumb caressing her throat and jawline.

“I wanted to make you hate me. It was the only way I could think of to keep you safe.”

“I don’t understan—wait. Did you put that picture out there?” She twisted away from him. He came after her and she stumbled back. “No. Don’t touch me.”

“It worked, right? I thought I had no chance with you again. My only focus was to protect you.”

“So you made me look like a fool?”

“It probably would have gotten out there anyway. There were way too many reporters and paparazzi in Winchester Falls. But one came to me, wanted a payoff.” He caught her wrist and held her in front of him. “I didn’t give it to him.”
