Page 29 of Bulletproof Weeks

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She huffed out a breath and recited the same numbers and letters back to him.

“Good. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

Well, that was a new side to him. From sweet and hot, to pit bull. Not sure she was a fan of the pit bull part.

A minute later she was at his closet. She needed to walk.

She snapped hangers across the bar until she found a heavy leather bomber jacket. It was too big on her, but it would keep her warm. She snagged a scarf from a box at the bottom of the closet. That would help with the too-wide collar.

She collected her wallet and phone and followed him downstairs. Sure enough, Sarah was sitting in the lobby with a bored look on her face as she flicked through her phone.

“Want to get out of here?”

Sarah looked up. “Yes.”



“How do you feel about Italian?”

“I have good feelings.”

Bella laughed. “Me too.”


Bella tucked her phone into her pocket. That was her third text in two hours. Logan continued to check in after he’d gotten home to find her missing. She dragged Sarah into a few shops to boost her supplies.

She enjoyed Logan’s scent on him, but for her? Yeah, she needed her own. Not to mention his shampoo situation left a lot to be desired. Millionaire rockstar that he was, the guy still used drugstore-level product.

Surprisingly, Sarah was pretty style-conscious and didn’t complain. She’d gotten an inkling with the Michael Kors clothing she wore, but the rest of her wardrobe consisted of boring black.

They’d spent an amiable couple of hours shopping and eating before she couldn’t put off going back to the apartment any longer. For the last few months she’d convinced herself that Logan was the biggest mistake of her life.

Now, the future was ahead of her and all the happy scenarios in her head included Logan. The idea of a part-time man in her life was the only thing that held her back. She had to share him with his fans, which was fine. The career part she understood. Her business was time-intensive and required a little travel. The last few months were by design, not her regular life.

At the time she’d needed the distraction and she’d used work. Logan’s life included the road and she knew there was a very big part of him that loved it. How did she fit in there? Sure she could visit him for a week here and there, but Between the Lines kept her busy.

Her thirties had arrived and the idea of a family wasn’t part of her distant plans anymore. She wanted something different than she’d grown up with. Her family wasn’t close. Career was the one goal in her household. Getting published in the academic trades, scholarly pursuits, and a mausoleum-esque household hadn’t made for a warm childhood.

Nic and Adam had brought fun and family into her life. They’d shown her what it was like to love openly, what a family sounded like when laughter and food and children were a part of it. They’d shown her how to be messy and crazy.

For the first time in her life she’d finally gotten a taste of that larger than life, crazy love, and it was because of Logan. She owed it to them to at least try. When she picked up the pace, Sarah gave her a look.

“Time to head back to the apartment?”

She nodded. “I think we’re going to be headed to Winchester Falls.”

Sarah winced. “Back to small town USA.”

“Yeah, but it’s home. God, I miss it.”

“I can’t believe you left all this to go there. I’ll never figure it out.”

“Maybe once we get settled back at home you only have to come with me when I need to travel.” She couldn’t see the need for a guard on her there.

“We’ll see.”
