Page 38 of Bulletproof Weeks

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Leave it to Nic to put it into perspective. A bit of Nic logic in there, but definitely a valid thought process going on in that crazy head of hers.

“Don’t you think it’s really fast though?”

“Well if you stretch it out in a timeline, it works. If you break it down to time actually spent in each other’s personal space…eh, maybe a little fast.”

Bella folded her arms on the table and rested her head on them. “So, I’m not moving in with him.”

“Well, hold up, B. That’s probably not a bad idea actually.”

She lifted her head. “What? Why?”

“Well if you’ve got a psycho bitch involved in this crazy…courtship?” Nic shook her head with a pout of her lips. “Yeah, courtship is the best word I guess. He’s got the fortress of security, right?”

“That’s no reason to move in.”

“No, but if you love him, and he loves you…then this is a good way to figure out if you guys can do the whole reality thing. You know, the crazy romance with a rockstar sounds good in theory, but what happens if he’s an obnoxious bear when he sleeps? You know, the snoring kind.”

“I’ve slept over before.”

“You’ve slept over when he’s on his best behavior and wants to get you naked.” Nic pointed at her with a dripping fry. “But what about the nights he has one too many beers and drools and snores on the couch? These are the things you need to know.”

The Nic logic was strong tonight, but it was accurate. They’d had a few fights, but they were both still in the dating phase of how they acted around each other. This could be a good way to figure out if it was infatuation or real love.

“Most of what we do is remote anyway. Not to mention he is a rock god. He’s got a new album coming out soon, doesn’t he?”

“Yeah, he does.” They’d talked about his upcoming album and the tour that would start in the summer.

“So this is the perfect time to get to know him.”

She rested her chin on her stacked arms. “It just seems so quick. I went from loathing him to loving him way too fast.”

“Fine line, my love. Tis a fine line between love and hate. And when the orgasms are good, the line is even finer.”


“Oh, come on. The way he fills out those jeans? No way you’re going to tell me the sexy times are anything less than stellar. Especially with that beard rash you’re sporting.”

The bell over the door jangled and the first wave of seniors filed into the diner.

Nic glanced at the door. “Saved by the blue plate special.”

Thank God. Because there was no way she could deny that she and Logan had no problems with their physical relationship. Nic certainly didn’t need any more ammunition for teasing her throughout the day.

“All right, woman, then you get to help me figure out what I’m bringing with me to his palatial cabin.”

“Yay. I’m sure I can think of something besides a year’s worth of birth control.” Nic said it loud enough that two white-haired women spun to look at them.

Bella held a hand up to Dee. “Check, please.”


Logan reached out next to him for Izzy, but of course she wasn’t there. He scrubbed his hands over his face. Izzy had moved in adding a new dynamic to the house. But when he’d had the idea to test the waters there—as well as keeping her safe—he hadn’t really planned out the details.

Namely the finishing of his band’s album.

There were currently six people in his house. And that was only because Morgan had been lent out to another band for an emergency. Because they’d been around for so long, all of his guys had booked themselves as studio musicians on their off-seasons.

None of them really knew how to take time off.
