Page 42 of Bulletproof Weeks

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He tasted himself, the heat of her cries, and the thunderous sob trapped in her throat. When she let it go and her body dissolved over him, he curled her body into his and held on.

She tucked her face into his neck. “I heard someone was grouchy.”

“Oh, yeah?” He huffed out a breath. “Where’d you hear that.”


“Was the birdie named Zeke?”


He leaned back enough to get a better look at her. “Who?”


“He was down here for all of an hour.”

“Your guys know you.”

“So this was a pick-me-up? I should be surly more often.”

She slid off his lap and stepped into her jeans. “I haven’t seen you all day, then you holed up in here. What’s a girl to do?”

“I can get behind that sentiment.”

“I bet.” She pulled the sweater on and tied the edges together a little tighter. However, it was still distractingly see-through.

Logan stood and hiked up his jeans before leading her over to the leather couch. “Too many people in the house. I was just…” He trailed off, not really willing to own up to it.

“Sulking like a bitch?”


“It’s okay, I was like that Tuesday. Especially when Z finished the last of my Fruit Snacks. Stupid, but I wanted them and was tired of sharing everything. Including you.”

He collapsed against the couch back. “It’s like living with five teenagers with a bottomless pit for a stomach.”

“That’s fairly accurate.”

He draped her legs over his thighs. “I had to triple the grocery order.”

“Emerson needs a budget. He keeps making huge batches of food then serving the masses and freezing the rest.”

“Probably so he can steal it when he leaves.”

She nudged him with her toe. “No.”

“Oh, yeah. He’s famous for it.”

“I better acquire some of his chili for Nic and Adam.” She peered down at her nails. “Zeke says you guys are almost done.”

“Getting there.”

“Were you going to tell me?”

“Of course.” He moved down to brace himself on the arm of the couch and tipped her chin up. “Z’s idea of done and mine are completely different.”

“How different?”
