Page 50 of Bulletproof Weeks

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Isabella slid another glossy shot into the refuse pile. She’d asked Logan to send over some shots from the new tour so she could get going on the Summer Festival poster. It was only six weeks away and she needed to get artwork to the printer. She’d been expecting a digital landslide of pictures via email, not an actual mailer full of shots from his tour photographer.

Atlas Records had gone all out on the Caged Soul Tour. The fact that All the King’s Men were selling out arenas and had been named the hottest tour of the summer certainly didn’t hurt either. The more money they made for the label, the more they threw at them.

The album release had been one of the top sellers of the year. Somehow, in the midst of all the chaos, Logan had stayed true to his word. Every two weeks they had a full three days together, even if he had to spend one day traveling to get to her.

And he did it without complaint. In fact, he’d been infused with an energy she hadn’t ever seen in him before. Aimee was still attending his shows, but not even her limitless money could get around the massive ticket deficit. Tickets sold out before the thirty minute mark on the sale days and the scalpers were making a fortune.

Zeke checked in with her now and again and verified that Logan had found a way to ignore her presence during the shows. It helped that the crowds were just too huge. Now that she couldn’t get the same seat at every venue, her ability to get into Logan’s head had been been taken away.

The handful of concerts Isabella had been able to attend backed up Zeke and Logan’s claims. Her man was on fire. He and the band owned the stage and brought on a rotating schedule of opening acts that had only increased their visibility. Right now, All the King’s Men could do no wrong.

And their relationship was tighter than ever.

Maybe this dating a rockstar thing wasn’t going to ruin her life after all.

“Where’s your wine thingie?”

Bella grinned. “Top drawer under the microwave.”

“Aha! Got it.” A mechanical whirring came from the kitchen. “Holy shit, it does it for you?”

“Just bring the wine, woman.”

Nic came in with two bowl-sized glasses of white wine. She handed her one and then settled herself across from Bella.

“Find big enough glasses?”

Nic cupped the glass from the bottom. “Hey, your boyfriend had them.”

Bella took a sip and set hers on the coffee table. “What do you think of this one?”

Nic’s eyes widened and she snatched the picture. “Whoa. He wears too many clothes when he’s home.”

Bella plucked the photo out of her hand. Logan was wearing his typical black, but the skintight t-shirt had ridden up, showing a slash of tightly muscled belly. “Never mind. Not using that one.”

Nic grabbed the picture again. “Honestly.”

“Stop drooling over Logan. Adam will get jealous.”

“Adam needs to start working out with Logan. Holy crap.”

Bella tried not to smile. Logan getting into tour shape and Logan in tour shape were two different beasts. He’d leaned down again thanks to sweating his ass off five nights a week and now was…well, he was certainly full of energy.

“Stop smirking.”

“I’m not,” she said around a laugh.

“You so are. How is it that I always had the musician boyfriend crushes and you are the one that actually ended up with one?”

“Because you met your true love at age…what was it?”


Bella reached for the pic and Nic gripped it tight. “Drop it.”

“Ooh.” With a disgusted noise, she let her take the photo. She took a hefty sip of her wine. “At least put it in the maybe pile.”

“Okay. That I can do. But if it goes missing, I will find you.”
