Page 51 of Bulletproof Weeks

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Nic stuck out her tongue and pushed through the pile between them. “What about this one?”

Bella looked up from the two she had in her hands. She dropped both. “Oh, you little goddess.” It was a live shot of Zeke and Logan at the microphone. Since they were both headlining The Barn for the festival, with another group of Logan’s friends tagging along, it was just what she needed for one of the posters. “Perfect.”

“That’s right. I am the goddess. You may bow.”

Bella held up her glass and they clinked.

“So does that mean we can watch Pretty in Pink now?”

“Yes. It absolutely means we can watch Pretty in Pink.”

Thirty minutes into the movie her best friend was passed out on her couch. Bella texted Adam that his wife was out for the count and tucked a blanket around her. She moved around the cabin and made sure everything was locked. She doublechecked the security settings and curled into the wide leather chair beside Nic to watch the prom scene ending.

She must have dozed off because she woke to a quiet room and the bouncing icon for her DVD player on the dark screen. She stretched her neck and slid off the chair. What the heck had woken her?

The shrill bleat of the alarm system and wash of floodlights in the backyard made her jump. Nic shrieked and rolled off the couch.

The landline phone rang and Bella rushed for the handset, grabbing the remote for the house on the way by.


“This is Whole Home calling. Are you in danger, ma’am?”

With shaking fingers, Bella tried to read the remote like Logan had taught her. She moved to the larger panel outside his music room. “I’m not sure. The floodlights in the back went on and the alarm is going off. Something was tripped? I guess in zone seven.”

“Yes, I see that. Could it be an animal?”

“I can’t tell with the alarm.”

Nic glommed herself to Isabella’s back. “B. What’s going on?” She slid her arm under Bella’s and pointed. “Maybe one of the coyotes got too close?”

Bella lifted her shoulders.

“Do you want us to send the police?”

God, she’d feel stupid if it wasn’t anything. “Yeah. Could you? It’s just me here with a friend.”

The shrieking alarm went silent and she heard typing on the other end of the phone.

“Requesting now. Please stay on the phone and in the house, ma’am.”


Nic slid her hand into hers. “It’s probably a coyote. Jacob said he found one scavenging at the back of the butcher shop.”

Bella nodded. She hoped so. Then Shakira blared out of her cell phone on the table. She nodded to Nic who went to answer it.

It was going to be Logan. He had an app on his phone that was hooked up to the security system. This wasn’t the first time the alarm had been tripped, but it was the first time the entire backyard went daylight bright with lights.

“We’re on the phone with the security people. No, Logan, we’re okay.”

Bella blew out a breath as Nic talked to Logan.

“Ma’am, everything all right?”

“Yes. Just my boyfriend checking in.”

“Police are seven minutes out.”
