Page 56 of Bulletproof Weeks

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Aimee had gotten what she wanted, as always.


The sharp rap at the door jolted her back to the present. She moved to the door and found Sarah there in a black blazer over black dress pants and a blue t-shirt with the RD logo on it. Her blond hair was scraped back in a tail, a half smirk on her face.

“Miss me, princess?”


“Wakey, wakey, princess,” Sarah yelled and slapped the palm of her hand on Bella’s bedroom door.

Bella rolled onto her stomach and pulled the pillow over her head. “Fuck off!”

“I let you go about giving me details last night, but now we gotta talk.”

She stretched across the mattress to the bedside table, kicking out in temper and frustration because the covers were trying to strangle her. She sat up in the middle of the wreck of her bed and slumped back against the headboard.

“You awake?”

“Go away. I’m up. Make coffee or something. I’ll be down in ten.”

“Make it five.”

Bella banged her head against the padded leather. She flicked her phone to life and groaned. It was only ten in the morning. She’d had like three hours of actual sleep. Between pushing everyone out the door, getting Sarah settled into a room, and talking Logan out of flying home—again—dawn had been well on its way.

There were four messages from Logan, three from Nic, and even one from Adam. Knowing that would start a slew of replies she went to email instead. She answered a few that couldn’t wait then tossed the phone to the end of the bed.

“Do not make me come up there again.”

Bella swung her gaze to the bookcase. One of the smart house screens lit up on the wall. “Are you kidding me?” she growled and rolled off the bed. She went to the screen and flew through the menu until she found intercom. Then it was per zone in the house.

The house phone rang and she yanked it off the base. “What?”

“Izzy?” Logan’s voice was deep with fatigue and worry.

“Oh, don’t you start. It’s been a fucking morning. What do you want?”

“Did something happen?”

“No. Nothing happened. I’m fine. I promise I’m fine. The militant crazy bitch is downstairs and I just found out we have an intercom system in our fucking bedroom. Did you know about this? Is there a fucking camera in here?”

“Um, yes and no.”

Her blood pressure shot into the stratosphere. It had to have. “Yes, there’s a camera?”

He cleared his throat. “Yes on the intercom, I just never used it. No, on the camera. I figured that would be taking it too far.”

“You thought right, pal. There will be no creepy videos of me unless I’m the one that turns the camera on.”

“Of course not—wait, what?”

“Shut up.”

“Shutting up. We’ll revisit that.”

She could hear the smile in his voice. “Not any time soon, bucko.”

He laughed. “Shit.” He let out a long breath. “I needed that.”
