Page 6 of Bulletproof Weeks

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“We’re nationwide. I go where the work tells me to.”

She huffed out a breath. “Where can I find Marcus Roth?”

“Meeting him face-to-face won’t allow you to gain any more information. We pride ourselves on discretion.”

His voice was so modulated. Like he’d said the same thing a million times. His eyes were intelligent, but there was no give and take there. She tilted her head. “So, what made you leave the…Navy?”

His eyes flattened for the briefest moment before he turned his attention to their surroundings.

“I’m right, aren’t I?”

“All you need to know is that I’m well-equipped to protect you.”

Her heart stuttered. “Protect me? Don’t you mean the book?”

“I’d leave your precious book in a slushy pile of snow without another thought. My job is to make sure you make it from point A to point B without bodily harm.”

“Who the hell would want to harm me?”

Unsurprisingly, Elijah fell back on his stellar conversational skills and didn’t answer her.

Frustrated, tired, and antsy, Bella dug out her kindle to try and lose herself in the last half of her book. When conversationalist number two came back and handed Elijah a cup of coffee, Bella ignored them both.

After five and a half more eternal hours, the ticket counter finally called for boarding. She turned to Elijah with her palm out. “Phone, please.”

He laid it in her palm.

She turned it on, but the little red battery icon came on. “Really?”

He lifted a shoulder.

Bella pulled her backup battery charger out of her carry-on and hooked the cord to her dead cell. “What exactly do you think that was going to accomplish?”

“Your row has been called.”

“I’d report you to your boss, but I think he’d just give you a raise.”

“Of course you’d tattle. The princess isn’t getting her answers. Boo hoo.”

Bella’s gaze swung to Sarah. “Somehow I don’t think you’re going to get a glowing job recommendation. I spotted you. Or should I say, the princess spotted you.” She flicked her carry-on over her shoulder and tugged out her boarding pass as she gave the ticket scanner a genial smile.

“Have a pleasant flight, miss.”

One of the perks of all the hours and miles she’d racked up was the bump into first class for nearly every flight. This one was no different. Gigantor and RBF could enjoy coach.

She had research to do.


Logan King swung his legs off his bed and raked his fingers through his hair. It was getting too long again. Which meant he’d spent too many weeks holed up in his apartment again. Zeke had dragged him off to his family’s house in Colorado for Christmas. His best friend had even managed to wrangle him into staying through New Year’s. Logan had allowed it because he’d needed the voices and the laughter. One thing he could count on with the Stacey family was a good time. And again, they’d saved him. Or, at least, a little of his sanity. Zeke had done the same when he was nineteen and the world had gone to shit the first time.

Colorado also meant no paparazzi, and no Aimee Collen.

Reason one and two that he was turning into a goddamn hermit.

But now he was back in New York and his brain was too fucking loud all over again. He hadn’t been able to bring himself to go to his cabin. Winchester Falls was still too full of her. Main Street, the barn, the gazebo, his bed. All reminded him of those damn topaz eyes that just wouldn’t leave him the fuck alone.

For the first three months he’d drowned himself in bourbon. Investing in a black market liver wasn’t in his repertoire, so he put the bottle away and gave into the workaholic side of himself. Songs chased him from sleep, leaving him scribbling blearily in the middle of the night, or like now…stuffed full of chaos. These were the days he hated. He’d rather work with manic purpose than to pin down words and melodies that tumbled around in his head like someone training for the Cirque du Soleil.
