Page 73 of Bulletproof Weeks

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“Don’t lose her, Izzy. It’s nuts here.”

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t worry.” She pecked him on the cheek. “I can’t believe you did that song.”

“I’m never going to live that song down.”

“Nope. I can guarantee it will live on in infamy thanks to YouTube,” Nick said as he passed by. “Video is going to be the death of me.”

Logan held out a hand. “Thanks so much for coming out.”

“Gray and the Pink Pixie wanted to come, but that baby has grounded her.”

“They’re welcome anytime, and so are you.”

“I’ll pass it along.” He nodded to Bella. “Have a good one.”

“I’m going to head to the store for a quick change and the raffle tickets for the guitar.”

Logan nodded. “That was a great idea. I swear it threw an extra few grand in the donations.”

“Memorabilia is always the way to go, darlin’.” She dragged him down for one more kiss. “I’ll see you at the sound booth.”

She hit the stairs running and met Sarah at the side of the room. She was standing with Nic and Adam. “Hey.”

“Could you kindly not run off on me?”

Bella laughed. “Sorry. Romantic fiancé moment. I got

carried away.”

“Yeah, well, don’t.”

“Well, you’re here now. We have to go back to the store for the raffle tickets for the guitar and I need a new shirt.”

Nic nodded. “I swear I sweated as much as the almost hubs.”

“No chance of that,” Bella said with a smile.

They ducked out the back door and hit the back trails.

“You know I hate it back here.”

Bella jogged down the incline to the path that led to the other stage. “Yes, but we’ll never get through all those other people in time.”

Sarah scanned the dark woods. “We’re way too exposed.”

“This is the last time you’ll have to do this trail.”

“Thank fuck,” she muttered.

Bella hooked her arm into Nic’s. “I’ll be glad when tonight’s over. I passed tired yesterday.”

“Tell me about it. The sales sure were nice though.”

“That is the truth.”

They broke out onto Main Street and raided the lemonade tent before heading over to the store. A huge crowd of people were already gathered for All the King’s Men’s set. The Summer Festival had grown yet again, thanks to the amazing list of bands that had signed up.

She crossed the street to Between the Lines and typed in her passcode with a yawn. Just a few more hours and she could fall down for a week. Well, at least a day. Everyone followed her in. The night was muggy and the store was humid with it.
