Page 74 of Bulletproof Weeks

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Sarah flicked on the lights and did a onceover of the room. “All right, girls, I can’t breathe in here. If you’re not back outside in three minutes, I will be yelling.”

Nic clicked her heels together and saluted.

“Smart ass,” Sarah mumbled. “Adam and I will be outside.”

Bella ran for the counter where she’d stashed her bag. “The tickets are on the piano bookcase,” she yelled over her shoulder.

“Got it.”

Bella flipped her top off behind the counter and tugged on a fresh cotton shirt. Just as she was tucking her top back into her overnighter, a wall of heat flared. She looked up and the counter blasted forward, slamming her into the window.

Her vision fractured and white hot pain bloomed against her left side.

Then there was nothing at all.


Logan clinked glasses with Zeke. “It’s been a good night, brother.”

“No Aimee sightings, a good set, another one to go, and a sea of available women. This night couldn’t be better.”

He tossed back the twenty-year-old scotch that Morgan had smuggled onto the stage. With the watchful eyes of Sharon, that was a feat in itself.

He felt the ground rumble first. His first instinct was to look up. It was humid enough for a storm. The boom of shattering glass followed by an inferno of fire pluming into the sky froze him into place.

Tentacle-like fingers of black smoke twined around and through heavy licks of flame.

Across the street. That was across the street.

“No!” Logan pushed Zeke out of the way and set out at a dead run. Screams scoured his ears then there was thick, cotton batting-filled silence as panic and terror took over. He blasted through the crowd of people as unfathomable heat shimmered around him.

The windows of Between the Lines were blown out and a billowing cloud of black smoke reached for the star-studded sky. Flames shot out of every broken pane.

Cops and security swarmed the area, trying to push back the thousands of people converging on Main Street.

“Sir! You can’t—”

Logan kept running. Adam lay in a crumpled heap beside Sarah.

“Izzy!” He screamed her name. The storefront was a twisting mess of wood and steel with glass blanketing every blessed inch. He fell to his knees, and the heat made him flinch away.

He kept low and crawled forward. The door had been blown off and he headed for it. He raised his arm against the heat, flinching when another crash of glass dropped down from the window next to the door. He spotted a hand under…God, was that their counter?

It had blown through the window. He altered course and pushed at the heavy wood. Familiar dark hair was tangled with blood.

So much blood.

He jammed his shoulder under the desk. Another set of hands came to his aid and they both shoved up.


“It’s okay, baby. We’re going to get you out of here.” His voice shook as badly as his hands, but he held onto the desk. “Izzy, you stay with me.”

“Nic,” she said on a slur.

The other man, a huge guy hefted the desk up. “Get her out of there.”

Logan dropped to his knees and tugged her clear. She screamed out and blood slicked his hands. “No. You are not leaving me, you hear me?”
