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Following Kavanaugh Christmas tradition, Brendan, Jenny and Riley were allowed to open one gift beneath the tree. Much to the children’s regret—perhaps Riley’s most of all—the rest of the gifts would have to wait until Christmas Day.

“May I have everyone’s attention please?” Eric Reyes called once they’d cleaned up the discarded wrapping paper. He walked into the room carrying a bottle of champagne. Colleen was behind him with a tray of flutes. Brendan and Jenny followed, Jenny holding a plate of what looked like chocolate truffles and Brendan with a towel comically draped over his forearm like a waiter. Colleen and Eric set down their loads.

“The four of us have an announcement we’d like to make,” Eric said, putting his arm around Colleen. Jenny giggled in irrepressible excitement. Deidre glanced up at Nick in bewilderment and dawning pleasure.

“Brendan, do you want to start?” Eric asked the twelve-year-old boy.

Brendan nodded, taking a deep breath. “Eric asked Jenny and I for permission for Mom’s hand and to become our father.”

“And we said yes!” Jenny piped up excitedly.

“And then he remembered to ask me about the whole thing, and I said yes, too,” Colleen added, looking at Eric with laughter and profound love in her eyes. “So I guess it’s official all around. We’re going to become a family!”

An uproar ensued. Everyone converged on the couple to offer their congratulations. Nick and Deidre accepted a glass of champagne and joined in a toast. The living room was filled with Christmas music and happy chatter. From the periphery of her vision, Deidre noticed Marc and Mari share a meaningful smile. Mari set her champagne glass on the coffee table.

“Wait...” Deidre said slowly. “Marc and Mari—you two said you had something you wanted to announce here tonight, as well. What is it?”

Mari laughed and shook her head. “It’ll wait for another time.”

Colleen stared at Mari’s discarded champagne flute. “Mari, are you pregnant again?” she blurted out, her blue-green eyes wide.

Ryan leaned forward to look at his sister, his brow creased. “What’s this? You’re going to have a baby?” he asked.

Laughter escaped Mari’s throat as she stared at Colleen and Ryan in amazement.

“Colleen, we didn’t want to take the shine off yours and Eric’s amazing news—”

“So you are pregnant?” Deidre demanded.

Mari glanced from expectant face to expectant face and finally looked at her husband. Marc just shrugged.

“Well...yes,” Mari said.

Another uproar ensued. After everyone had gotten over their exclamations and congratulations, they basked in the glow of their good fortune. Brigit put her arm around Deidre, so that she was bracketed by her mother on one side and Nick on the other.

“This has to be the most wonderful Christmas ever. All this wonderful news—and you’re here, Deidre, hearing it. Maybe that’s the most wonderful news of all,” Brigit said quietly to Deidre, her heart in her eyes.

Deidre stepped back and located a small, dark red foil package from beneath the tree. She handed it to Brigit.

“What’s this?” Brigit asked. “The adults don’t open gifts until tomorrow, you know that.”

“I have a lot of making up to do in the gift-giving department for a lot of Christmases, so I didn’t think it could wait a night longer. Merry Christmas, Mom. It’s from Lincoln. And Nick and I.”

Nick glanced at her in surprise. Deidre smiled. Tears brimmed in Brigit’s blue eyes as she unwrapped the package with trembling fingers. Everyone in the room paused to watch. Brigit gasped when she withdrew the exquisite diamond brooch of the horse in full gallop.

“’s Lily DuBois’s brooch of Gallant Hunter,” Brigit cried, tears spilling down her cheek.

Deidre started in surprise. “You recognize it?”

Brigit nodded, her throat convulsing with emotion. “You forget, I grew up with Lincoln. I remember when Gallant Hunter was inducted into the Racing Hall of Fame. I saw Lily wearing this brooch on several occasions. Oh, but you should have it, Deidre. It belonged to your grandmother,” Brigit insisted.

Deidre grabbed her mother’s wrist when she tried to hand it back to her. She folded Brigit’s hand over the brooch. “No. I want you to have it. Lincoln would have wanted that. I just know it.”

“I agree completely,” Nick said.

Deidre took the brooch and pinned it to her mother’s dress, where it sparkled brilliantly next to the dark green fabric. “There. Perfect.”
