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Just like always, his voice quickly settled my nerves, and I smiled to myself.

"I'm okay," I told him. "Just enjoying the quiet of my apartment tonight. How are you?"

"I'm fine. How come you're alone on a Friday night? Where's your flatmate?"

"She's out with Lewis tonight. I didn't really fancy it."

There was a short pause, then Brayden said, "Would you think I sounded crazy if I said I had a feeling you might need to talk?"

The chuckle passed through my lips before I could stop it. I wasn't laughing at him, I was laughing because I never imagined he felt that weird psychic thing I felt sometimes. "Not crazy. Perceptive."

"So what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. A good thing happened today. I'm just not too sure what to do about it."

"Can I help?"

Yes. Come and get me. Right now. It always blew my mind how much I wanted to be near him the moment I heard his voice. All of a sudden, there was no decision to make. I wanted to go home. I wanted to hear that voice whispering in my ear. I wanted to know how it would feel to touch him. To feel his lips against mine again.

Focus. Talk to him.

"I've been offered a chance to stay for one more year," I told him. "My boss said he'd like to renew my contract. I don't have to decide right now. In fact, I've got until the end of November to decide."

There was another pause. One I couldn't read. Eventually, Brayden said, "Do you want to stay?" I thought I could hear a slight hint of fear in his voice. Fear that I might want to stay.

"I don't know. Part of me would love another year here. It's been hard but really fun a lot of the time too. I love the job. I've made good friends."

"Well, I mean, that's great and all, but I think you need to come back to the UK soon. Over here, you can buy teabags whenever you want, and I know you're missing the fish and chips, and HP sauce on bacon sandwiches, and roast dinners."

My stomach rumbled at his words because I could virtually taste my mum's Yorkshire puddings, and God, I'd missed them. I'd missed everything Brayden just said and more. "You're killing me," I moaned. "I do want all those things."

"Don't forget the Maltesers. And it's not just the food. You're missing out on the age old tradition of a kebab after a night out, re-runs of Only Fools and Horses on a Sunday afternoon, Match of the Day, proper football in general, especially that thing we always do before a major tournament where we talk about how amazing England could be this year, only to call them a bunch of twats after we get knocked out in the first round. The Queen's Speech. Nando's. Moaning that it's too hot in the summer then whining about the cold the second October hits."

He paused for breath, and by that time, I was laughing hysterically, even though there was a small ache starting in my chest. Because, God, I did miss it. I missed home. All the silly things he'd mentioned and more.

He laughed. "Come back to what you know. You know you want to."

His voice changed slightly. A little huskiness to his tone.

"What else do I need to come back for?" I asked softly.

"Well... I heard there was this guy... he's pretty into you. I think he'd like to see you. He's been waiting a long time." He paused for a moment. "Come home, Charley."

The simple words were uttered, and my stomach flipped over at the possibility. But could I really go back? I mean, I'd always intended to go home, but that was before I'd been offered the chance to stay. At first, Chicago had been terrifying, but over the past few months, it had felt more like home. I loved where I lived, I loved my job, and I adored my friends. In spite of the short time we'd known each other, I was as close to Evelyn as I was to people I'd known my whole life back home. She'd become like a sister.


"Brayden, I..."

"I know I shouldn't ask, okay? I know that. But, God, Charley... it's getting harder to... I just want to see you." He let out a sigh and then laughed. "Sorry. That made me sound desperate, but... I really need to see you."

The clench in my stomach tightened at his words, because I needed to see him too. So much. My body reacted to him in ways I'd never reacted to anyone before. Every part of me seemed to be calling out to him, eager to get close enough to touch him. If he could do that to me halfway across the world, what could he do to me when we were together? It wasn't only my stomach that jolted at the thought.

"Me too," I told him. "I need to see you too. Brayden, I... yes. Yes. I'll come home."

The moment the words left my lips, they felt so right. Sure, I loved Chicago, and I loved my job, and I adored Evelyn, Lewis, and the other people I'd met, but... my heart would always be in the UK, and it wanted to be with Brayden.

"I miss you," I said, before I could stop myself. The words blurted from me like I'd been holding them in forever, and it felt like I had. He and I talked all the time, and I reined my feelings in because I didn't want to sound ridiculous. Like an overemotional nightmare. That shit scares guys, and I didn't want to scare him. I wanted to know him. But since he'd told me he wanted to see me... I couldn't hold it back anymore. "I know that's stupid because we only met once, but when time passes and we don't speak, I feel like my arms are physically reaching out for you, and when you're not there, it hurts. I hate the feeling of not being able to reach you, because that connection... it's rare. Special."
