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“What do you think?” he asks, pulling a cardboard crown from his pocket and placing it on his head.

I can’t hold back the laugh this time. He looks both adorable and ridiculous, and I’m still trying to figure out what is going on. Remembering there were some things under the tree that weren’t there when I left the flat this morning, I step towards it. There’s a mammoth bag of Maltesers there, plus an envelope with the Nando’s logo on the front.

As I turn to him again to ask what is happening, a light flicks on in my brain.

“I think you need to come back to the UK soon. Over here, you can buy teabags whenever you want, and I know you're missing the fish and chips, and HP sauce on bacon sandwiches, and roast dinners. Don't forget the Maltesers. And it's not just the food. You're missing out on the age old tradition of a kebab after a night out, re-runs of Only Fools and Horses on a Sunday afternoon, Match of the Day, proper football in general, especially that thing we always do before a major tournament where we talk about how amazing England could be this year, only to call them a bunch of twats after we get knocked out in the first round. The Queen's Speech. Nando's. Moaning that it's too hot in the summer then whining about the cold the second October hits."

It was all those things he’d mentioned to tempt me home.

Grinning, I walk towards him, wrapping my arms around his waist. “You absolute legend,” I say, reaching up to kiss his cheek.

“Do you like it?” His hands pull me in close to him, and I snuggle into his chest, warmth spreading through me at his gesture.

“I love it. But… you know we have actually eaten most of this stuff since I’ve been home.”

He nods. “I know. But last Christmas Eve, getting this all together for you wasn’t possible. This year, we have our own place and I wanted to do something… different.”

“It’s definitely different.” I laugh, looking deep into his eyes. “Thank you. This is amazing.”

“It was no problem.” Brayden’s head lowers just a little, and my breath catches, just like always. “Since Christmas is such a big thing for us, I wanted to make sure we do something to remind us of how this all began. And since I couldn’t fit an ice rink on the balcony, this is the best I could do.”

God, he’s incredible. Since we’ve been together, Brayden and I have had the best time. We’ve done all of the things we always wanted to do together, and some of the best times we’ve had have been the most simple. Watching Marvel movies and discussing nerdy theories. Picnics in the park. Lying in bed beside each other, just being happy to be with each other.

Now, we’re having our first Christmas alone. Just me and him. Ready to start our own traditions together.

“I love you so much,” I say.

Brayden grins, pressing his lips to mine. “I love you too.”

In spite of our shaky start, we were definitely headed for a happy ending.

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