Page 99 of Game On (Game On 1)

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“A d

ecent night out? Hundreds of scantily clad women for you to get your claws into?”

“What do you want?”

“I have no idea,” I answered, honestly. “I don't know what possessed me to leave my own party where I was having fun, to come all the way back here to find you drunk in a bar.”

“You wanted to see me?” he asked, the first glimmer of something more positive in his voice.

I nodded. “I guess I did.”

The air seemed to crackle around us, and he reached forwards to rest his hand on my thigh. Warmth spread through me at his touch, along with a tingle of pleasure. He had made only the tiniest movement but it made everything slide out of focus.

Everything except him.

“Why did you want to see me?”

“Would you really have let me go without saying goodbye?” I asked softly. “Because that's all I wanted. To say goodbye.”

Our eyes connected in a silent conversation, an understanding.

“Excuse me, Miss,” I heard a voice say, “can I get you a drink?”

Without taking my eyes off him I said, “Do I want a drink, Radleigh?”

He shook his head, and in one fluid movement the two of us stood up and headed for his room.


Chapter 20: This Is It

I didn't even have time to breathe.

The second we got into Radleigh's room he slammed me up against the door, crushing his mouth against mine.

He smelled incredible. The strange combination of beer and the scent of his aftershave made me a little lightheaded, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, drawing him in closer as his hands moved from my waist to unzip my dress and slide it down over my shoulders.

I unbuttoned his shirt and let it drop to the floor, my hands gripping his back. He let out a low growl and lifted me up, kissing me hard as his hands began to slide underneath my dress. He carried me over to his bed and we fell on to it. I didn't care that for a moment he was crushing me, I couldn't breathe anyway.

A soft moan escaped my lips as he pushed my dress up, his fingers digging into my hips as his tongue danced with mine.

A thousand emotions ran through me at once, from fear to excitement, but none of it compared to how much I wanted him. I couldn't think about what had happened before – all that mattered was the moment we were caught up in, my hands clawing at his back and his kisses on my neck.

I loved the way he felt, the feeling of his muscles beneath my fingertips, tracing his tattooed arms with my tongue, the tautness of his stomach.

He was perfect.

Tell him. Tell him now.

My words were lost as his hand slipped inside my knickers, teasing me, making me shiver with anticipation. I raised my hips a little, willing him to go further but he continued to remain in control causing me to let out another moan, this time of frustration.

I raked my hands through his hair as his lips found their way to the swell of my breast, but before I even had the chance to enjoy the sensation I felt his weight lift off of me and he rolled away, sitting up on the edge of the bed, his head down.

Not entirely sure what just happened, I didn't move for a moment. I hadn't been ready to stop, and I certainly hadn't expected him to. When he made no move to come back I sat up, my head still spinning.


“You have to go.”
