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Fair point.

“So… are you? I mean…”

Nope. There weren’t enough words to explain what I wanted to say. My mouth had fully dried out, my tears were still falling, and my hair now clung to my cheeks as my clothes stuck to my body. Somehow, with Logan pressed against me, none of that mattered.

“I want to see you,” Logan said, his mouth hovering so close to mine his breath warmed my cheek. “All the time. I want to be with you.”

All I could do was nod. I wanted to tell him I wanted that too, but I’d said enough. More than enough. I lowered my eyelids, glancing at Logan’s lips as they moved slowly closer to mine. The corners of his mouth lifted slightly.

His lips brushed mine softly, feather light, and everything around us faded into the background. The only things left in the whole world were Logan and me, our mouths pressed together, our hands holding each other tightly, clinging to each other, to the moment. Every part of our bodies touched, and that fire re-ignited inside me again. The warmth of him seeped into my skin, into my bones, floating through my bloodstream and making my heart swell in my chest.

“How inappropriate would it be if I made a remark about getting you out of those wet clothes?” Logan murmured before kissing me again. His husky tone made my knees buckle and I held him tighter.

“Totally inappropriate,” I told him, running a hand through his thick, rain-sodden hair. “I like it.”


Lydia’s grin perfectly mirrors mine as she reaches for my hands across the table and squeezes them, letting out a squeal of excitement.

“I can’t believe you finally told him.”

“I can’t believe it either. If I’d stopped to think it through, I would have said nothing, and I’d be sitting here with you complaining about how nothing will ever change, and how he can’t like me, and blah, blah, blah.”

“You took a chance. A really fucking big chance, and it paid off.”

I raise my eyebrows. “It sure did.”

Lydia slaps one of my hands in mock surprise at the cheeky look on my face. “So, did you do it?”

I laugh out loud and squeeze her hands again. “Well, we were wet from the rain and…”

“Not just the rain!”

“Lydia! I mean, you’re right but… we did have to change when we got back to the B&B anyway so…”

Her eyes widen and she squeals again. “You little hussy!”

Since I’d told her I wouldn’t give her details, I stop there, and let her bask in my happiness while I think over the things that transpired when we got to our room after our confessions. It may have taken us years to get there, but Logan was well worth waiting for. A perfect mix of sexy and sweet. Our first night together is one of the memories I want to keep safe. Maybe I’ll write them down so when I’m old and wrinkly, I can remind myself that I used to have fun, and that sometimes, taking a leap of faith can bring everything you’ve searched for.

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