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“Really? Name calling your little sister?” I sigh. He just shrugs his shoulders and flops down in a seat at the back of my room.

“What? She was acting like a loser.”

Fucking kids.


I walk into The Rustic Tavern and the heavy wood door creaks shut behind me. The only bar in town and it sees a lot of business most every day of the week. It’s been a staple in our tiny town for forever. Wood topped bar, stainless steel fixtures. There are two pool tables in the far back corner, a jukebox on the wall beside the hallway that leads to the restrooms, and six high top tables scattered throughout the place. I had to cancel our guys night next Saturday so I asked Sophie to sit with the kids a few hours tonight so Jaxson and I could go out.

I give a chin lift to the bartender and owner, Dean. We went to school together and he recently moved back to town and purchased the bar. I glance around, taking in my surroundings. There’s a couple playing pool in the back corner and a few chicks feeding money into the jukebox. Jaxson catches my eye from the far side of the bar and gives me a chin lift, so I head that way. I’m stopped by a few people saying hi, small town and everything, and finally drop down in the barstool next to Jax.

He claps me on the back. “Sup man,” he says, bringing his beer bottle to his mouth and taking a pull. Dean delivers my usual and I take a drink and glance at Jax.

“How’s the accounting business?” I ask and crack a smile. I’m always pissing with him about his career choice, but he knows I’m just fucking with him. He’s a genius and he knows it. Numbers have always come easy to him.

“Funny, asshole,” he grumbles and slams back the rest of his beer.

“Whoa, I was just kidding. What’s up?”

He slumps back in his chair. “I hired a new receptionist.” I arch an eyebrow.

“Alriiight, but I mean you knew that was coming. Dottie worked for your dad when it was his business. You knew she was going to retire eventually. She is in her sixties.” Jax scrubs his hands over his face.

“I’m not mad that Dot retired,” his ears start to turn red.

“Holy shit, Jaxson Callaway, are you, dare I say, smitten, with your new receptionist?” I slap the bartop and let out a loud guffaw. He widens his eyes and glances quickly around the bar.

“Shit dude,” he hisses, “shut the fuck up. You’re going to draw attention to us.” Dropping his head down to the bar top, he lets out a sigh. “Man, she’s so fucking hot. I’m so screwed.” He laughs and shakes his head.

“Who is she?” I motion to Dean to bring us two shots of Jack.

“Avery Marks.” I whip my head in his direction and bug my eyes out.

“Little Avery Marks?” I let out a whistle. “Isn’t he like, 19?”

Jaxson lets out a tortured groan. “She’s 21. But it’s all good,” he says, suddenly filled with steely resolve, “because nothing is going to happen between us. I have an accounting company to run and she has siblings to take care of. Did you hear her mom skipped town again?”

I didn’t hear that, but I’m not surprised. Dana Marks is a piece of fucking work. Always looking for her next high. It’s a wonder Avery turned out as well as she did, practically raising herself. And now she’s raising a fifteen-year-old and a four-year-old. That’s a lot for someone who’s still so young to take on. I shake my head.

“Nah, didn’t hear it, but you know I’m not surprised.” Dean sits our shots down in front of us. I pick my glass up and hold it up to Jax. He grabs his and clinks it with mine before we both shoot them back and I relish the burn as it slides down my throat.

“I’m not surprised either. And now Avery is working two jobs to put food on the table for all of them.” He grabs the back of his neck and lets out a sigh.

Dean picks that time to come over and strike up conversation. “Did I hear you mention Avery?” He asks and cracks a grin while pouring a few drafts.

“Ah, yeah. I was just telling Ford that she’s my new receptionist.”

“No shit,” Dean chuckles.

“Yeah. What aren’t you telling me, old man?” He glares at Dean who just laughs a little.

“She’s my new bartender.” he directs his eyes over my shoulder and Jaxson turns around just as the front door slams behind Avery. “It’s her third night.”

She lifts the partition on the bar and squeezes behind Dean, dropping her purse on the counter behind him. She gives Jax and me a shy smile.

“Evening fellas,” she says, putting her apron on. Dean lets her know she will be working the floor tonight and he is going to work the bar. She smiles at us again before heading out to take orders.

“Fire her. “Jaxson growls.

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