Page 37 of Emma's Wish

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"It's only a bed," Sam said. "And I gave you my word I don't expect to do anything in it except sleep."

Emma tried to smile at his attempt at humor. "I'm sorry ... I just ..."

"It's different for a woman. I know. But you have to trust me if we're going to make this work."

Emma did smile this time. "You're right."

Feeling better, Emma pulled down the covers and climbed into the bed. The mattress sank beneath her weight, and the feather pillow cradled her head

Emma couldn't take her eyes off Sam as he moved about the room. She should turn and face the wall, pretend he wasn't there, and try to sleep.

Yet she was caught like a fly in a spider's web, unable to look away.

She watched as Sam shoved his hands in his pockets and took out a fistful of change and a few dollar bills. Crossing the room to the chest of drawers in the corner, he deposited the coins in a small wooden dish and put the bills beside it along with an ornately carved pocket knife.

"You're looking tired, Emma," he said softly. "I'll be done in two shakes and we'll get a good night's sleep."

Maybe he could get a good night's sleep. She was positive she'd never be able to even close her eyes with him in bed beside her.

He pulled his shirt from his pants and unbuttoned it, revealing a muscled expanse of bare chest. Dark curly hair covered his chest, then tapered into a slim line that disappeared beneath the waistband of his pants. He really was remarkable, without an ounce of fat on his lean frame.

Emma's eyes widened as he unbuttoned his pants and began to lower them. Her breath stalled in her chest. He couldn't possibly ... he wouldn't ...

He looked up then, and caught her gaze. A lopsided grin stretched his lips. "Sorry, Emma," he said, "force of habit. Livin' alone, a man can sleep naked as a jaybird if he wants to."

Emma tried to smile at his attempt at humor, and failed miserably.

"What's wrong?" he asked, "You feeling all right? You look like you're going to faint."

The thought of him lying naked beside her was making her feel almost ... Heavens, there was no air in this room. She couldn't possibly let him know how she felt, though. Especially when she couldn't explain it to herself.

"Nothing. Nothing at all," she replied brightly." You're right. I'm just tired."

She turned and faced the wall. Moments later, the other side of the mattress shifted under Sam's weight. She heard the clink of glass as Sam lifted the globe from the kerosene lamp. The soft glow of light disappeared, throwing the room into darkness, except for the moonlight dappling the room as it shone through the tree outside the window.

"Emma?" Sam's voice was low and husky in the darkness.

Shivers coursed through her. "Yes?"

"I want you to know how grateful I am to you. I'll never be able to repay you for what you've done for me and my children. If there's ever anything you need, you know you only have to ask."

"You've given me something I never thought I'd ever have - a family. That's all I'll ever need."

"Goodnight, then."


Sam's sincerity touched Emma's heart. In fact, everything she'd learned about Sam Jenkins in the past few days touched her - his gentleness, his honor, his love for his children. He was exactly the type of man she'd d

reamed of marrying before ...

Could she really be lucky enough to have found a man she could admire and respect, even if she could never have the type of marriage she'd always wanted? It seemed so, and happiness surged through her. If the only payment she had to make was to share a bed, surely it was worth it.

For several minutes, she lay perfectly still, afraid to move for fear of touching Sam. He seemed to fill the small bed, and his heat radiated to her. At least Emma tried to convince herself that it was only body temperature causing the warmth washing over her, filling her, making her breasts tingle and a spot deep inside feel decidely strange. If not that, what could it possibly be? Certainly nothing she recognized.

She shifted until she rested along the edge of the bed and gripped the edge of the mattress to prevent herself from falling out. The clock on the chest ticked rhythmically, and Emma closed her eyes, hoping if she did manage to fall asleep, she wouldn't land with a thump on the cold floor.

