Page 38 of Emma's Wish

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Something was tickling Sam's chin. Dragging himself from the depths of the fatigue that had claimed him just before dawn, he opened his eyes. A shocked gasp escaped his lips. He was spooned around Emma, her soft bottom pressed into him. His arm was curved around her waist, his hand resting on the swell of her breast. Under his fingers, her nipple was a hardened bud. Her arm rested on top of his, virtually pinning his hand on her breast. Her hair, a cloud of yellow curls, tumbled over her shoulders. The scent of roses met his nostrils, and he realized it was a stray lock of hair causing the itch he needed to scratch.

And he also figured out what was causing the tightness he was suddenly feeling deep in his belly. Emma's body lying so close to him felt so good, he realized. Much better than it should. How could that happen? Where was his loyalty to his wife when the mere touch of another woman's body could make him forget?

And what of Emma? How could he have betrayed her trust? He'd given his word, and he'd broken his promise. At least she was asleep. She wouldn't know he'd betrayed her trust as she slept. True, he'd been asleep and unaware of what he was doing, but if she woke up, would she believe him? He doubted it.

He had to get out of the room, away from Emma before he did something he'd regret.

He wanted her. He recognized the ache deep in his belly. Having her soft body lying beside him ignited a fire he'd thought long dead.

Slowly, a fraction of an inch at a time, he moved his arm until finally, he drew it free. Emma murmured something, then rolled over and snuggled back into the pillow. Thank Heavens she was a sound sleeper. He didn't know how he'd explain himself if she'd wakened. She'd never believe he hadn't touched her on purpose. She'd assume he'd gone back on his word already.

In future, he'd have to make sure he kept his distance. The hard part was going to be forgetting how she felt tucked into his body, wrapped up in his arms.

Sliding from the bed, he tugged on his trousers, trying to ignore the temptation to crawl back into bed and claim his husbandly rights.

For the first time, he noticed just how beautiful Emma really was. In sleep, her face took on an angelic expression, her lips curved in a half-smile, as if she was in the midst of a pleasant dream.

Tamping down the desire filling him, he picked up his boots and left the room.


"I have to go into town today," Sam said at breakfast a few days later. "You deserve a break. How about coming with me?"

Emma looked up from the skillet and smiled. "I'd love to. In fact, I've been making a list of supplies we need."

Sam grinned. Why wasn't he surprised? Of course she had a list. In the time they'd been married, he'd learned Emma had a list for just about everything.

Joseph stuffed a chunk of bread slathered with butter and strawberry preserves into his mouth. "Can we go, too?" he mumbled.

Nathan sat quietly beside Joseph, his fork paused in mid-air as he waited expectantly for Sam's answer. When he didn't respond immediately, Emma butted in. "Of course you're coming with us," she said. "We wouldn't leave you here alone."

"Yippee!" Both boys cried out in unison.

"But we can't leave until all of you finish breakfast and get cleaned up. We can't go into town looking like something the cat dragged in."

Nathan eyed the egg on Becky's plate. "Hurry up, Becky," he scolded. "We ain't got all day."

"Me go store?" Becky asked, her eyes wide.

"Yep," Nathan put in. "If you hurry up and eat."

Becky picked up her fork and stabbed the egg. Soft yellow yolk flowed out. Dipping a piece of bread in the egg, she looked up at Emma. "We get pretty ribbon?" She reached up and fisted her pale hair.

Emma laughed. "Yes, sweetheart, we'll go to the mercantile and buy pretty ribbon. What color would you like?"

Becky chewed thoughtfully, her gaze skimming the kitchen, searching for just the right color. Then she picked up the yellow crockery sugar bowl and held it out to Emma. "Blue."

"You're so dumb, Becky," Nathan chastised. "That's yellow."

"Nathan!" Emma's voice thundered through the room.

All eyes turned to stare at her.

"What?" Nathan asked innocently.

Emma lowered her voice, but the scolding tone remained. "Becky is not dumb. She is a little girl who hasn't learned all that you have yet. She needs you and Joseph to teach her and help her, not to be cruel and rude."

"Aw, I didn't mean nothin' ..."
