Page 63 of Emma's Wish

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"I ... of course ... we were friends before ..."

"I want more than what you're willing to give, Emma. It's going to take a while before I get used to that."

Emma's voice softened to a murmur. "Can't we be friends again?" she asked, her eyes focused on his. Her teeth began to nibble her lip again.

Sam took a step towards her. "Are you afraid of me?"

Emma shook her head. "No. I know you would never hurt me intentionally."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Only that sometimes people can't help saying or doing something that hurts someone else, even though they don't realize it."

Sam's arms reached around to draw Emma into his embrace. Even though she knew she'd regret it, she couldn't bring herself to resist. His warmth, the soft beating of his heart against her breast, the caress of his coffee-scented breath against her cheek made her feel almost dizzy.

"Who hurt you, Emma? Who hurt you so badly you're afraid to trust anyone else?"

"No one."

"Your fiance?"

Emma's silence was her answer.

"He didn't deserve a woman like you," Sam said. "You are a beautiful woman, inside and out--"

"No, I'm not-- you don't know--"

"Then tell me. Tell me what the hell happened to convince you that you aren't worth caring about."

Tears slipped down Emma's cheeks, and Sam gently brushed one away with his thumb. "One day, I will. Just not now."

Emma's gaze slipped away from his. She couldn't bear to see the hurt in his eyes. She wanted to tell him. She truly did. And deep inside, she sensed he wouldn't turn his back on her. But she was afraid ... so afraid to take the chance.

"Hey, Pa!" Joseph's voice interrupted the silence. "Somebody's comin'."

Sam loosened his grip on Emma and took a step back, his gaze focused over her shoulder on the buggy slowing in front of the house.

Taking her hand in his, he ushered her outside.

Sam stopped short at the door of the barn as two people climbed out of the buggy. Emma squinted, raising her hand to shade her eyes from the blinding sun. She didn't recognize their visitors.

"Who is it?" she asked, looking up at Sam.

His grip on her hand tightened. His face grew pale, and a muscle began to twitch in his jaw.

"It's Catherine's parents."

Chapter 12

What the hell--?

Sam's muscles tensed. His heart hammered against his ribs.

"What are they doing here?" Emma whispered.

"I don't know. They didn't answer my telegram telling them the kids weren't coming after all, so I expected that would be the end of it. I figured they'd accepted that. Seems like they didn't."

Sam paused in the doorway of the barn, hidden from their view, but still able to get a good look at the man helping the woman out of a fancy carriage in front of the house.
