Page 64 of Emma's Wish

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"My, they're quite an imposing couple, aren't they?" Emma commented.

Sam squinted, studying the pair. Winston, Catherine's father, hadn't changed much in the years since he'd seen him last. A little less hair, a few more wrinkles where his cheeks were beginning to sag. But still tall and stocky, with a presence that had intimated many men.

Florence, on the other hand, had aged - and not gracefully. Always on the small side, she'd gained at least fifty pounds, and her hair, once a deep auburn, was now almost white. But she still held herself with that air of self-importance he'd recognize anywhere.

Emma took a step forward, but Sam's grip on her hand stopped her. He was in no hurry to see his deceased wife's family.

"Pa!" Joseph's voice reverberated in the air.

"We can't stay in here forever," Emma said softly.

"I suppose you're right, but I can tell you I'd rather spend my time with a whole passel of wild hogs than with those two."

"They can't be that bad," Emma protested. "After all, you were going to allow them to raise your children."

True. And now, seeing them again, he wondered how he could even have considered sending his kids to them. The only excuse he could come up with was that time had softened his memories of Catherine's parents.

"We must go and greet them. They've come a long way to visit the children."

Sam shrugged. "Let's just hope it's a real short visit. Like five minutes," he said wryly, giving Emma a quirky smile.

Much as he tried, he couldn't pretend to be pleased to see them.

"Which one ar

e you?" he heard Florence ask as they approached.

"I'm Nathan," Nathan said. "I'm six."

"So you must be Joseph," Winston put in, eyeing Joseph standing a few feet away.

Joseph nodded. "Yes, sir."

Becky was sitting on the bottom step of the porch, her finger wrapped in her hair the way she did when she was feeling particularly shy.

Florence called out to Becky. "Come here, child."

Becky's eyes widened in fear, but she didn't move until she spied Sam and Emma, then bounded up and raced to hide behind Emma's skirt.

Apollo growled at the woman's feet.

"Get that thing away from me," she squawked. "Shoo!" She flapped her hands wildly in the air, and the dog raced away, only to return seconds later.

"Joseph!" Sam said. "Put Apollo in the pen."

"But --"

Sam sent Joseph a look that brooked no argument.

Without another word, Joseph picked up the squirming puppy, giggling as its tongue lapped against his cheek. "Ain't he somethin'?" he muttered, turning and disappearing behind the house.

"Sam." Catherine's father nodded an acknowledgement of Sam's arrival.

His wife didn't say a word, but Emma didn't miss the silent appraisal she was receiving as the woman's gaze slid over her.

"Welcome to Texas." Emma smiled, receiving only a cool nod for the effort she was making to be friendly.

Silence descended over the group as Joseph and Nathan came to stand beside Sam. In the apple tree a few feet away, a nest of young birds chirped incessantly.
