Page 95 of Emma's Wish

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His hand slipped under the fabric and slid across her abdomen to her stomach, towards her breast.

Oh, God, no... Emma clutched his hand, stopping him before he could reach her breast. "Sam ... no, don't ..."

Sam stilled. "What's wrong?"

"Not there ... just don't touch me there ..."

He lifted his head to look at her. Moonlight spilled through the window, and even though he couldn't see the details of her face, her distress was obvious. "I thought you wanted this as much as I do."

Emma touched his cheek. "I do. I want you more than I've ever wanted anything. Please let me do this my way."

"I want to know all of you--"

"You can know almost all of me. Just not there."

Emma lifted his hand and placed it on her other breast. She let out a soft moan as his callused thumb grazed the nipple. "Please, Sam?"

God, how could he refuse her? He needed her so badly he was willing to give her anything. Much as he wanted to touch every square inch of her, wanted to see her - and taste her, if all she asked was to keep one small part from him, he could give her that much. Couldn't he?

"Then what--?"

Emma leaned into him, touching his throat with her lips. "Anything else, Sam. Just not that."

His hands slid down her back, drawing her against his length. Sliding them beneath the fabric of her nightdress, he cupped her buttocks.

"Please?" she whispered.

"Okay, Emma. This time."

"Thank you." She breathed the words into his ear, then gently guided his mouth back to her other breast. His tongue laved the nipple, gently nipping and sucking on it until he heard Emma's soft moan.

The cool air brushed her bare skin as Sam bunched up the nightdress around her waist. His hands caressed her thighs, her belly, the curve of her hip, over her flat stomach to find her mound of golden curls. Shifting her so that she was lying on her back, his knee wedged between her legs. His fingers dipped between her thighs, and when he touched the most intimate part of her, she gasped. Never had she felt anything so absolutely delicious. Heat, like sparks, exploded inside her. His fingers moved against her, gently stroking in tiny circles. Sensation after sensation swirled inside her. Yet it wasn't enough. She didn't know exactly what she wanted, but she knew she wanted more. Much more. Straining herself against his hand, her hips rocked until his fingers were inside her, sending streaks of flame shooting in all directions through her.

"Oh, my Heavens …"

Sam stopped. "I'm sorry, honey. Did I hurt you?"

Emma shook her head. "No. Not at all. It feels wonderful," she whispered against his chest. "I thought this was supposed to be unpleasant. I mean, I heard--"

"Who told you that?"

"My mother."

Sam laughed, his chest moving against her. "Not if it's done right," he said.

"I feel all ... tingly inside."

"Good. That's real good."

Her warm breath caressed his chest, and her hands gripped his shoulders, pulling him closer. "Should I be doing something?" she asked. "I feel as if I should be doing something, too."

"You do whatever feels good to you," he murmured.

Knowing he wouldn't mind, Emma began to move her hands, savoring the feel of his hard muscles beneath her hands. He tensed as her fingers ran across his chest and slid around to his back. Her hands moved across his lower back, across his buttocks. She paused, her fingers grazing a length of raised flesh.


