Page 96 of Emma's Wish

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"What's that?" she asked, tracing the outline of a raised length of skin.

"It's a scar," he replied, then looked into her eyes. "None of us is perfect, Emma."

Emma looked away. It was easy for him. It was only a small blemish. Not like hers. But she wouldn't think about that now. She would relax, relish the moment.

Moving her hands, she heard him take in a shuddering breath as she grazed his abdomen with her knuckles.

His bare abdomen. When had he removed his clothes? She couldn't remember. But right now, she didn't care. His skin felt wonderful, so warm, so soft under her touch.

He groaned, and took her hand, drawing it away before it inched any lower. "Emma, stop!"

She'd done something wrong. She'd been too forward. That was it. He thought she was brazen, a ... hussy ...

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"Oh, hell, Emma. It's not that. But I'm trying to take this slow, to be gentle with you since it's your first time. But you're not making it easy."

"I'm sorry--"

"Stop apologizing. You're not doing anything wrong. In fact, you're doing everything so right, I won't be able to control myself if you keep it up."

Emma grinned. "Really?"

"Don't look so pleased with yourself," he grumbled good-naturedly. "You have no idea what you do to me."

"Show me."

Sam let out a groan, then captured her lips in a soul-searing kiss. While his lips and tongue assaulted her mouth, he slipped inside her. He felt her tense as he entered, and he held her tightly, absorbing her cry into his mouth as he filled her completely.

"It won't hurt any more, Emma. I promise. The rest will be pleasure." He began to move, slowly at first, then faster as he felt Emma meet each thrust with her own. Her hands clawed at his back, and her teeth nipped at the tender flesh of his chest. Higher and higher he took her, sensing the exact moment when she was ready. With one long thrust, he felt her shudder in his arms as she cried out his name. His own release came seconds later.

It seemed like hours later when Emma opened her eyes. Sam was still on top of her, still inside her. His weight crushed her, yet she savored the sensation. She smiled to herself as her fingers lightly brushed his back, his shoulders. He jerked when she touched the sensitive nape of his neck.

He kissed her then, a soft, tender kiss that she felt clear to her toes. He rolled to his side, taking her with him. "Are you okay?" he asked, tucking a damp blonde curl behind her ear.

"Never better," she replied, scattering tiny kisses on his chest, his arms, his shoulders.

Sam took her hand and kissed each knuckle. "I've wanted you since the minute I saw you, but I couldn't admit it to myself. Now that we're really husband and wife, I'm planning to love every inch of you for the rest of my life. Is that okay with you?"

Every inch. No, not every inch. Because no matter how much he loved her - or thought he did - she couldn't risk losing him. Especially not now. Not now that she'd discovered what loving was all about. And, she had to admit, this loving business was far nicer than she'd ever imagined.

She reached up and kissed him, boldly searching for his tongue with hers. He groaned and tightened his hold, meetin

g her kiss. She shifted, loving the feel of the hard planes of his chest lying against her.

"How often do married people do this?" she asked.

Sam's lips quirked in a smile. "As often as they want to."

"So we could do it again right now? We could do it all night if we wanted to."

Sam cupped her buttocks and drew her closer until she was pressed against his stomach. He was growing hard again. "We sure could, if you just give me a few minutes."

The moon slid behind a cloud, and in the inky blackness Sam searched for Emma's lips.


Emma opened her eyes, squinting against the bright morning sunshine. She was tucked against Sam, her bottom resting against his groin, his hand resting on her breast. She flushed at the recollection of her behavior the night before. With each kiss Sam gave her, she'd become bolder and bolder in her response. He'd been pleased, though, and even though each time they'd made love, he'd asked her to remove her nightdress so he could see and touch all of her, he'd accepted her refusal. He hadn't been able to understand why she was so adamant about hiding herself from him, and sometime towards morning, he'd actually seemed a little annoyed. But he'd let her have her way.
