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“Em,” he takes my head in both his hands and lowers his face to peer into my eyes, “I’m ok. I’m ok.”

“Cole,” I whimper, my eyes filled with burning tears.

He presses his lips to mine, soft but lingering. I cling to his neck. He kisses me, sweetly again, “It’s okay.”

“I could have lost you,” I choke out.

“Impossible,” he pecks me again and wipes my tears away. He pushes my wet hair back behind my ears, his eyes inspecting mine.

“Are you really okay?” I go back to running my hands over his chest and arms.

He turns with me and sits on the edge of his bed, pulling me to stand between his legs, “I’m ok now,” he smiles and kisses me sweetly again with his hands on my hips.

So many little kisses, they slow my heartbeat yet speed it up in a different way.

Tracing my hands over his face, my thumbs brush though the stubble along his jaw. His deep indigo eyes follow mine. I can’t look away. It’s like stepping back in time when everything was stable and good, and I felt safe and loved. When I felt complete.

I could have lost him. I have Cole in my hands, after all of these years, everything I’ve ever wanted, and I could have lost him again.

I lean forward and drag my lips over his, kiss the corners of his mouth softly, kiss the hard ridge of his jaw.

I need him like the air I breathe. I don’t need to think about it, thinking has done me no good over the past six years. I just need this man.

Working my fingers through his drenched hair, I press into him, and our lips collide. I ease my tongue into his mouth, desperate for more of him, and as soon as I do, Cole’s arms drag me in, and he takes over. As hard as I’m pushing, he’s pulling, our lips and tongues a frenzy of need.

All I can feel is electricity surging through me, a fundamental life-need to have his skin against mine and be utterly owned by this man. His hands sweep through my hair, and he jerks my neck back, his hot tongue caressing me. He bites the sensitive skin between my neck and collarbone, and sparks ignite inside me.

His breath is ragged, and I’m desperate to inhale all the oxygen I need. I reach a hand between us and cup his cock, hard and thick pressing inside his race suit.

“Cole,” I moan as I squeeze him tighter. His grip in my hair intensifies, his lips racing over every inch of my throat.

“You want this, Em?” He growls into my neck.

“Yes,” I pant.

His hands drop from my hair, and he pulls my shirt over my head. He drags me back between his legs and rips my bra down to expose both my breasts.

I clutch his head as he sucks one nipple into his mouth, swirls around it with his tongue, then drags his teeth across it gently. Every cell in my body begins to hum.

He moves to the other nipple as I throw my head back and claw at the base of his neck. Sliding my hands across his broad shoulders, I start ripping open his race suit and push it off his shoulders.

I grumble at the fire suit underneath and claw at it to get it over his head.

He stands and pulls the white undershirt over his head. I’m tremor stricken by the look in his eye, the way he’s sizing me up. I take a step backward like an antelope retreating from a lion staring it down. His shoulders are heaving, and his skin is glistening with rain. A bead of water runs from his wet hair down the side of his neck.

His eyes are traveling the full length of my body, and when they meet mine again, I take one more step back. I bite my lip and whimper for him.

Come get me, Cole.

A mischievous grin spreads across his face, his jaw ticks, and then he’s on me.

He slams me up against the far, glass wall, and my body responds before my mind can catch up to it. I hitch a leg up onto his hip and dig my hands into his hair as he sets to attacking my neck. Teeth snap the sensitive skin, and then his tongue soothes the sting.

I cannot control my moans and gasps until he covers my mouth with his. He has a hand behind my knee, and I’m digging into the back of his thigh with my ankle like I can climb him and get closer.

He’s pushing me so hard into the wall, grinding his pelvis into me, and I can feel his hard length pushing on my belly. He runs a hand behind my head and grabs a fistful of my hair, using it to hold my mouth still so he can kiss me like he needs to.

He’s so hard and forceful and animalistic. I’m whining and groaning and whimpering into him, every cell in my body begging for him. I think he’s pinning me to the wall so hard that my feet are off the ground.
