Page 50 of His Omega's Keeper

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“You do that, little Ani.” I felt his lips on the top of my head as he gave me a chaste kiss, and then his arm around me as he held me close to him.

But it was a long, long time before I could drift off and it wasn’t just because I was thinking of our plans for tomorrow.

I also couldn’t stop thinking about how good his body felt against mine, and how I never wanted to stop touching him.


“Rise and shine, sleepyheads!”

It was Ophelia’s voice again. But this time her words hadn’t woken me up—her tread on the wooden ladder that led up to the attic room that was our prison had done that. The minute she started climbing, I woke up right away—which isn’t usual for me at all. Maybe it was because of the way I’d been up half the night thinking, but I felt like we had to put our plan in motion at once.

Quickly, I took Jake’s big hand and arranged it over my bare breast. Then I pushed my ass back against him and felt the long, hard length of his shaft against my naked skin. Carefully, I parted my legs a little bit so that it was between my thighs, the broad head poking at the lips of my pussy. There—we were in the right position.

I felt Jake stiffen against me and he muttered in my ear,

“What the hell are you doing, Ani?”

“The plan—remember?” I hissed back. “Just try to look natural.”

Since he’d had the head of his cock all the way inside me the night before, I didn’t think it was a stretch just to have it between my legs. I still throbbed with desire when I thought of how it had felt nudging against my virgin barrier—everyone said the first time hurts horribly but I couldn’t help wondering if that would be true if Jake was the one I was giving it up for.

Then I gave myself a mental kick—what was wrong with me thinking this way about my own stepbrother? Of course I wasn’t giving him my virginity! That was exactly what we were trying to avoid here! And in order to do that, we had to make this look convincing.

The two of you are looking awfully cozy this morning,” Ophelia remarked, as she came up to the bed where we were still lying on our sides, pretending to be mostly asleep.

“Oh, uh…” I yawned, acting like I was still sleepy, and made sure to drag the covers down, away from the front of my body.

“Oh, my,” Ophelia murmured, her eyes going wide as she saw the way Jake was cupping my bare breast in his big hand. “You two are looking cozy.”

“Hmmm?” I stretched again, parting my legs a little. Jake, to give him credit, played his part as well. Nudging his hips forward, he allowed the head of his cock to barely part my pussy lips, rubbing against my inner folds which were still slippery and wet from the sexual frustration of the night before.

Ophelia’s eyes got even wider.

“Did the two of you sleep like this last night?” she demanded.

“Like what?” I mumbled sleepily. Tilting my pelvis back, I rubbed my open pussy against the head of Jake’s cock, moaning softly as it slid over my swollen clit. I admit, I didn’t have to fake the moan—it felt really good to have him touching me so intimately, even if it was kind of awkward to do it in front of an audience.

“Baby, come on,” Jake rumbled, pretending he was just coming awake himself. “Ophelia’s here—time to wake all the way up.”


I opened my eyes fully and looked up at her uncertainly. Then I made a big show of looking down at myself to where Jake was cupping my breast and the head of his cock was sliding just inside my pussy lips to caress my slippery inner folds and throbbing clit.

“Oh, my God!” I gasped, parting my legs wide for a moment and looking down, as though I couldn’t believe what was happening—which of course, gave Ophelia an even better view of my stepbrother’s thick cock nudging inside my pussy.

For a long moment, I just lay there, watching as Jake slid the broad head of his shaft up and down my slippery folds, caressing my clit with every stroke. Once he even nudged just the tip of his cock into the mouth of my pussy before pulling out to rub against me again.

“Mmm, baby,” he growled softly. “You feel so nice and wet inside.”

“God, Jake—be careful!” I moaned and scrambled for the covers, as though I was finally fully awake and was desperate to hide the way my stepbrother was touching me so intimately. And of course, he didn’t stop touching me. In fact, I could feel him tugging lightly at my nipple and kneading my breast as he continued to cup me.
