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“But it sounds very serious, don’t you think? Yes, now, I’m not sure if the public is ready for it. I very much doubt my father is. But I’m going to feature one lost soul each month.”

Lily loved the way Hamish’s eyes lit up when he grew excited. It always made her feel he could achieve anything. “Go on,” she encouraged.

His smile broadened. “Archie is going to help find these people and photograph them. People whom society has written off. But by writing their story, and promoting a reader’s fund for them, I hope to do what society won’t—provide them with a means of achieving their dreams, whether that’s getting an apprenticeship or a fruit barrow if they’re from the gutter.” His excitement grew. “Or a milliner’s business, or…a fashion empire! Even if they’re one of Madame Chambon’s girls.”

“My goodness, Hamish! I had no idea! How did you come up with such ideas!”

“It was all because of you, my love!” He stopped, clasped her hands in his and brought them up to his lips. For a long time, he simply gazed at her as if she truly were the most wondrous creature to grace his world. “Your courage, your ability to survive, your strength and forgiveness through all that’s happened.”

“Why, Hamish, you’re making me blush,” Lily whispered, feeling the burn of emotion that echoed in her own heart every sentiment he was uttering.

“It’s true, my own sweet love.” He cleared his throat, and in the moonlight, Lily saw the moisture in his eyes, though his voice was firm and strong again as he went on, “You’ve made me realise that no matter where you come from, Lily McTavish…and no matter how far you fall, and however dire the future seems…a shining new life really is possible—”

He would have gone on only she gripped his hand to stop him, putting a forefinger to his lips so she could add, “If such a person is fortunate enough to meet someone who believes in them.”

Faintly, in the distance, the sound of the dinner gong echoed across the frozen lawn.

Hamish raised his face to look at the house. “We should hurry, my love,” he said. “We don’t want to keep your father waiting.” Gently, he rested his hand on her belly, adding, “And you must be starving if, as the doctor believes, you’re eating for two.”

