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Sybil hesitated as she slowed her progress up the church steps. She glanced about her to ensure they were not overheard. “I wasn’t going to say anything before, Stephen, but as there are no secrets between us, I will tell you about Hetty’s concerns…” she cleared her throat, then added in a hurried whisper, “…regarding the paternity of a child she believes was fathered by Sir Aubrey.”

She wasn’t surprised at Stephen’s sudden intake of breath. He sent a furtive glance over her shoulder before looking her in the eye. “Did Debenham apprise her of his suspicions?” he asked. “How would she suspect? But of course, it was the hair, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, a child she saw at a fair. The adopted son of a farmer and his wife. He had the Banks’ swathe of white hair amidst the dark. Well, suffice to say that Hetty has chosen to say nothing to Sir Aubrey as the age of the child confirms any liaison occurred prior to his marriage to Hetty. However, Hetty is sponsoring the child in secret.” She felt a great pride in her daughter, as she added, “Like Araminta, she has chosen family unity as her life’s greatest goal.”

Gently, Stephen traced the contour of Sybil’s cheek. “Yes, it is wonderful that Araminta has embraced family unity, though I run the risk of displeasing you if I suggest that might be more from the strategic advantage it currently confers on her.” They were alone now on the church steps, the rest of the party having just passed through the doors. Very gently, he cupped her face and kissed her lips. “But you, Sybil my love, always see the best in people. You saw it in me when I was despairing for myself. You are my redeemer, and you make me better than I could ever have been had I not met you.” He dropped his hands, offering Sybil his arm instead to lead her into the church. With a smile, he added, “Araminta is the best she could hope to be for having you as her mother, and I hope she will continue to make you proud.” Gently he caged her hand with his and gave it a squeeze. “It’s because of your strength, endurance, and mother’s love that today is such a joyful day. You deserve every happiness.”

They’d reached the top step now, and were about to pass through the large double doors to play their part in that holy ceremony that would anoint babies Arabella and Theodosia and give them validity in the eyes of the Christian Church. Stephen hesitated, his expression grave but his eyes bright with fervor as he lightly held Sybil’s hands. “And just know that I will always be here for you, Sybil darling, through the years ahead, come what may. For family unity is everything.”

The End
