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Ross didn’t do anything halfway. She already knew that about him. When he wanted something, he got what he wanted. Some people might say that he was unmotivated and even lazy after high school was over. She knew he was just trying to find what he truly wanted. She didn’t think he just rolled the dice on stocks. He’d put in the time. She knew that. He’d done his research. It wasn’t random, like she’d said before. Ross wasn’t like that. He wouldn’t have risked his parent’s money on anything less than a sure thing.

What she’d wanted, for such a long time, was for him to want her the way she wanted him. Now that it was happening, she was half afraid that she was going to be a letdown. That maybe it wasn’t what he wanted after all.

That thought was obviously way stupid because Ross ate her like he was starving all over again, like her mouth had just been the appetizer. He lashed his sex with his tongue, attacking her clit and exploring the rest of her before he angled his mouth and put his tongue inside of her.

Inside. Of. Her.

She was aware that she was soaked, that there was moisture all over the bed and her thighs and Ross’s face and that she was rolling her hips wildly, rocking them into his face, grinding on his beautiful mouth and his wicked, sinful, amazing tongue. She was wonton and out of control. Oh, and there were sounds, coming at her like she was in a fog. The sounds of him eating her out. The sounds of her moaning and whimpering and saying his name over and over.

There was a muffled thump too, but that barely even registered.

What did register was the horrified yell that came from the open doorway. “What the fuck?”

Everything happened so fast after that she wasn’t even sure if it was real or just a really terrible nightmare. The worst kind. The kind where your brother comes in and catches you having sex with someone. The someone who just happened to be his lifelong best bud.

“What the fuck? Get the fuck off my sister!” Chance tore into the room. He grabbed Ross by the ankle and when Ross spun around to kick back at him, Chance let out an actual shriek. “Ross?” Then, “Ross!”

For a minute, everything stopped. No one did anything. Then all hell broke loose, and yes, it truly was hell.

Chance let out a yell of range and ripped Ross off the bed by his ankle. Ross hit the floor hard, rolled and tumbled, his years of football training saving him from a broken limb from the force of how he’d been torn away. Alix scrambled up on the bed. She snatched the comforter up and wrapped it around herself, turning herself into a human burrito.

Chance and Ross rolled on the floor together, Chance trying to strangle Ross, Ross trying to get him the hell off.

“Get your dick away from me!” Chance screamed as he punched out, narrowly missing Ross’s nose. He hit him in the jaw instead and Ross let out a muffled grunt of pain. “Get your dick away from my sister!”

Ross kicked out and caught Chance off guard, so that he could roll him over and gain the upper hand. He pinned Chance to the floor.

“You said you didn’t have a problem with me dating Alix. You always joked about us getting together.”

“Only because I didn’t think it would ever happen! She’s not even your fucking type!” Chance hocked and spat in Ross’s face. The greasy glob landed right on Ross’s cheek. He flinched and it was all the time Chance needed. He kneed Ross straight in the groin.

“Stop it!” Alix screamed as Ross doubled over, coughing, sputtering, and retching up strings of spittle. “Chance! Stop it!”

Chance pushed himself up to a sitting position. He stared at Ross with wide eyed horror, but his teeth were still bared.

“You- you knee bagged him!” Alix shouted. “Why the fuck would you do that?”

Chance’s head whipped around to her. She so rarely said the f-word that when it dropped, people took her serious. “Al, I-”

“I don’t care,” she half screamed while Ross groaned on the floor of her room a few feet from her brother. “Do you know how long I’ve waited for this, you bastard? No, of course not because you’re so wrapped up in yourself and trying to bang every single woman in this city that you wouldn’t realize that anyone else even exists. You made jokes for half my life about how Ross would never want me, and I swear you had to know that I wanted him.” She squeezed her eyes shut, but tears leaked down the corners anyway, scalding her cheeks. She ripped them open, just so she could nail Chance on the spot. “I love him. I love him, Chance. I’ve loved him since I was thirteen and that might be wrong and twisted and messed up. I might have done a hell of a job showing it or acting like it. I might have been a brat. I might still be a brat, but you don’t get to make this decision. I do. He’s your best friend and now you’ve ruined any chance I might have for happiness. Jesus. We didn’t even get to the good part. And by the way, Ross took condoms from your room. Thanks for the fact that he won’t ever need them again because you’ve probably wrecked any chance he had to reproduce!”
