Page 41 of Her Italian Soldier

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It would be so easy to forget everything and climb on that swing with him. But she resisted the impulse and eventually pulled away. When she stood up, she had to rub her knees after being in that position for so long.

“You look comfortable lying there. Stay put and enjoy the beautiful night.” She turned to leave, but he caught her hand.

“Please don’t touch me anymore tonight,” she begged.

“Just one more kiss to help me get through it. I don’t mind being alone through the nightmares if you’re there to bring me awake.”

“Oh, Lucca.” She had no will when he told her things like that. She leaned down and clung to him while her heart steamed into his. He’d become her whole world.

When she finally stood up, her desire for him was so strong that if he’d called her back, she would have stayed in spite of all her good intentions. But he didn’t say anything … Was it because he was being the Italian male who still reserved a part of independence for himself?

She gave the swing a little push to rock him. “Good night, Lucca,” she whispered.

“Sleep well, bellissima.”

Capri metallic blue described the Amalfi sports car gleaming in the sun. The white sailboat on the water formed the perfect backdrop. Even Annabelle could see that and she was no photographer.

The car had been parked at the Marina Piccolo. Annabelle found the little harbor enchanting and she loved the outfit Marcella had chosen for her. It was a white silk cheongsam with an all-over medium-sized print of flowers in various shades of blue. Heavenly.

Her hair had been put up in a loose knot, caught with real blue flowers. On her feet she wore a pair of high-heeled sandals in metallic white. Her wrist was encircled with three rows of light blue sapphires. The same sapphires adorned her ears.

“Mama mia—” Giovanni exclaimed when she stepped out of the van ready for the shoot. “You have never looked this beautiful before. I wonder why.”

Lucca had everything to do with it. Her heart was bouncing all over the place.

Basilio nodded with a wide smile. “Bellissima, signorina. Bravo, Marcella! The Chinese style is bella bella. Annabella? Today you will stand at the front of the car with one hand on the bonnet, the one with the jewels. Look out toward the boat. You are waiting for your lover.”

Annabelle got into position. She would give anything if Lucca were at the helm of that boat. When this shoot was over, she would swim out to him and kiss them both into oblivion.

“That’s the look!” Giovanni cried a minute later. “Don’t move!”

This morning she was definitely a woman in love. If that was the look Giovanni wanted to capture, he shouldn’t have any trouble no matter which angle he wanted to take.

“With these photographs, Guilio won’t be able to keep his calendars in stock.” He moved around her snapping one picture after another.

She smiled. “Are you trying to butter me up, Giovanni? If so, you’re doing a good job.”

“You are the easiest model I ever worked with and you’re not even a model.”

“Nope, and I don’t want to be one. I’m only doing this for Guilio.”

“When his son sees this picture, he will fall instantly in love.”

How about permanently? The words hadn’t passed Lucca’s lips. They might never.

“Hey, Annabelle—where did the Amalfi Girl just go? I want a few more shots.”

“I’m doing my best.” For the rest of the shoot, she focused on the meal she planned to make for Lucca.

“All right. That’s it. Tomorrow we meet in Vietri at nine before the shops open and we’re overrun with tourists. It will be our last day of shooting.”

Annabelle was of two minds. Part of her couldn’t bear for it to be over because it meant she had to go home to Los Angeles and leave Lucca. The other part was glad that the modeling would be over. She wasn’t meant for this business. But she’d worry about that later as she raced back to the van to change and remove her makeup. She couldn’t wait to get to the grocery store and do her shopping. When she stepped outside again in jeans and a pink T-shirt, Giovanni made a face.

“A woman who looks like you shouldn’t run around dressed like any tourist.”

“But I am a tourist. In a few days I’ll be back in California doing my old job.”

“Do you know how many would-be models would sell their souls to do what you’re doing here?”
