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She hugged him tight and relished the feeling of being in his arms. She hoped that they were right. That they knew a way to deal with this and help her. She didn’t want to leave them. She didn’t want to hide forever. She loved them already. She just couldn’t tell them yet. Not with Blaze out there possibly hunting her down.

* * * *

Cash walked outside to the front porch after he called his dad. Red was at Casper’s right now, and Cash explained what was going on. He told his dad about them caring for Cassidy and that she’d confided in them about some guy possibly hunting her down. His dad had the lowdown and mentioned that Gunner was there and a conversation he had with him.

It seemed Cassidy had made instant friends with Gia and Deanna. Both women had told their men they felt concerned for Cassidy and that she might be in trouble. It was Cash and his team’s job to ensure her safety now that they saw her as part of them.

“You, Stryker, and the team are staking an official claim to her?” his father asked him.

Cash glanced over his shoulder to ensure that Cassidy wasn’t within earshot.

“I don’t think Cass would like that term too much. So let’s just say we want her as our woman. If she accepts us, then that’s it.”

“Awesome,” his dad exclaimed, and Cash was surprised.

“I guess you’re not mad at us for moving in on your old friend from the Corps?” he teased.

“No way, son. I was hoping that Cass would find some happiness in her life. She’s had it rough. Even before that asshole Blaze started harassing her.”

Blaze? The dick’s name is Blaze.

“How so?” he asked.

“She lost her parents when she was just a kid. Moved in with an aunt she didn’t even know and didn’t really take care of her in Alabama. She joined the Corps to get three square meals and perhaps get an education so she could get a job and support herself. It turned into a lot more for her. She was considered one of the best ER nurses in the field. She also can shoot like you wouldn’t believe. Real impressive, both close range and distance.”

“Really? I wanted to ask you about those scars. The bullet wounds and how she got them.”

“Well, son, that’s not really my story to tell. That’s Cass’s.”

“Yeah, well, she isn’t budging. Mentioned something about not wanting to remember it or think back to that time.”

“Well, just so you, Stryker, and the others know, she saved many lives that day. She wasn’t supposed to be there on the chopper with the medic team and Dr. Reynolds. There were other men, and when we were forced to land to extricate wounded in the middle of a battle zone, things turned ugly fast.”

“You were there with her?”

“Yes I was. I knew her for over a year. Saw her in action in the ER with one of my own troops. Heard great things about her and how she would take the extra time to visit the wounded she helped days and weeks later. She was well respected. Still is.”

His father went on to explain about the mission and what had gone wrong. Cash couldn’t believe how she’d sprung into action, taken out numerous enemy soldiers, and saved troops plus his dad.

“She received numerous medals and commendations, son. Hell, I’d take her as one of my team any time without a second thought. She’s really special,” Red told him, and Cash thought so too.

“Wait until I tell the others. Wait until I explain to Stryker.”

“Stryker is part of this new relationship with Cassidy too?” his dad asked, sounding shocked.

Cash went on to tell him about the confrontation and about how they’d instantly hit it off and shared a connection.

“Well, they both have scars to show for it. When he does know how strong and determined of a Marine Cass is, he should accept her even more in his life.”

“This guy, Blaze you said his name was. He really scared her. I think that’s the most difficult part for Cass to handle and accept.”

“It sounds like you’re slowly breaking that wall down and gaining her trust. Just take this seriously, son. I don’t want her getting hurt. Not by that asshole who’s after her or by you and your team. You understand me?”

He smiled even though his dad couldn’t see him over the phone.

“Yes, sir.”

“When you think she’s ready, we’ll call for a little meeting at Casper’s.”
