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“What!? But we just got here!” Aria started to protest but Will shut her up quickly.

“Aria, now! Do not argue with me!” he growled at her and Aria quickly shut her mouth and looked down, her bottom lip trembling slightly.

Will threw the bills on the table and dragged her out of the restaurant. He could hear Antonia calling his name, but he ignored her and kept going until both Aria and he were in the car and on their way to his apartment.

The ride home was silent and the tension almost palpable. Will knew that Aria was confused and most probably angry with him for ruining their special night and shouting at her, but all he could think about was the need to get out of there before he completely lost his mind.

“What was that all about?” Aria asked him as soon as they entered the apartment and Will looked down to his feet and sighed.

“Will, I asked you a question. Who was that woman?” Aria asked again, her voice shaking slightly and telling Will that she was barely able to contain her anger. He looked at Aria, his eyes full of unshed tears to his utter embarrassment.

“My ex-fiancé.” he whispered at last and saw as Aria’s eyes widened in shock before she sat down on the couch quickly.

“Fiancé. You were engaged? But I thought that you never wanted to get married?!” Aria exclaimed, looking completely bewildered and Will nodded, remembering that he had mentioned it once. He joined her on the couch and took one of Aria’s hands in his as he got ready to talk about the most painful part of his life.

“Well, she is the reason I don’t want to get married. I... we… we met in LA. My best friend at the time, Bradley, introduced us and Antonia and we instantly clicked. I fell in love, hard and fast, and after six months I proposed to her and she said yes. We were supposed to get married and I was so happy, but a day before the wedding I went to our house to pick up my suit since I was going to stay in the hotel that evening, and I walked in on her and Bradley.”

Will’s voice broke and his hands started to shake once the memory of them came to mind. That day was the worst day of his life and he tried never to think about it.

Aria was looking at him sadly, her hand wiping a few tears that had managed to escape from Will’s eyes. Will cleared his throat, but the lump that was stuck in it remained.

“I... I later found out that they were together even before we started dating. It was all a scheme to get their hands on my money. They had planned for Antonia to marry me and then get a divorce and a half of my estate since I was so stupidly in love that the word pre-nup never even crossed my mind. I felt confused by that at first because Bradley was rich like me, but it turned out that he had lost almost everything when the stock market crashed. That all happened six years ago, and tonight was the first time that I saw Antonia since that day.” Will finished, his face buried in his hands that were shaking. Aria moved closer to him, taking Will’s head out of his hands and hugged him.

“I got you, Will. I got you now.” she whispered and it was all it took for Will to let it all go and break down.


“So, how did the anniversary go?” Ethan asked her, as they waited for their coffee in the canteen at the hospital in which they were doing their practical work. The two of them had become good friends rather quickly, and it had become a sort of a ritual to have a cup after the lessons were finished every day.

“It was okay. It started out perfect until his ex-fiancé showed up at the restaurant which kind of killed the mood.” Aria said while rolling her eyes at the thought of the woman who had once been Will’s partner.

“Oh my God! Really? What happened?”

“We left. Will was pissed, and I was confused since I didn’t know w

ho she was at first. After we came home, he told me everything and we ended up cuddling on the couch and watching Netflix. So, despite everything, it ended up being a good night.”

“That is some crazy shit, my friend. And did you talk to him about the thing?”

Aria shook her head at the question and sighed. She was planning to talk to Will about applying for Med school. Aria had been thinking about it for quite some time now, and since she wasn’t getting any younger, she wanted to at least try and make her dream come true. But then Antonia showed up and Will went crazy, so Aria completely forgot about it, her school the last thing on her mind at that moment.

“How does the ex look?” Ethan asked making her frown. She hadn’t stopped thinking about the woman since they saw her last week and she hated to admit it but she was breathtaking.

She was taller than her, lean and elegant, with dark, stylish hair and big, hazel eyes; Antonia was gorgeous. Aria completely understood why Will fell so hard for her 6 years ago.

What bugged Aria the most about the whole incident was Will’s reaction to seeing Antonia. Sure, he had a right to be surprised but it had been so explosive that Aria couldn’t stop asking herself if there were still some feelings left.

After all, Will was planning to marry that person, once upon a time.

Was he really over her, as he claimed? If so, why did he react that way and why did he still didn’t want to get married?

“Very good looking; Italian goddess.” she eventually answered Ethan’s question, feeling a bit dejected.

“Well, who cares!? She may be pretty, but so are you, and you are the one that has Will’s heart now. So, don’t stress about it Aria, the ex has had her shot and she blew it, so now it’s your turn.”

Aria smiled at her friend and nodded. Ethan was right, like always. He may have looked like an undertaker when they first met, but he proved himself to be incredibly smart and loyal and Aria absolutely adored him.

“You are right. I won’t give her another thought.” Aria promised; she just needed to keep it.
