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After parting ways with Ethan, Aria walked down to her new car, a gift from Will for her birthday. She wasn’t alone, of course, her two bodyguards shadowing her, like always which Aria didn’t mind like Will did since the burly men made her feel safer.

She went home to get changed since she was still in her nurse scrubs and she wanted to surprise Will, who had to work late that night, at his office.

She showered and then picked up the shiny bag from her closet and got dressed. She then looked up at her reflection, feeling satisfied with the image she made.

She had on black, lace panties that left little to the imagination and bra, with matching garter belt and stockings. She remembered Will confessing to her once, how sexy lingerie always turned him on. Aria felt the desire to try it out for Will, and even though she thought that she would feel uncomfortable since she wasn’t really a girly girl, all Aria felt at that moment, as she looked at herself, was beautiful.

The black complemented Aria’s skin tone perfectly, her pale smooth skin looking almost translucent and her ass looked amazing. She smiled and started getting her jeans on before she changed her mind and just threw a French coat, that Nura had left behind, on. If she was going to play out this little fantasy of Will’s, she was going to do it right.

Aria parked her car across the street, and after calming her nerves, quickly got out and walked up to the building.

“Good evening, Aria!” the security guard said to her and Aria waved a hand in greeting, not sure if she would be able to say anything without it coming out as a squeak, so she quickly got into the elevator and pressed the button for the last floor. Once it stopped and the doors opened, she was met with complete silence. The floor that was usually bustling from the activity was deserted since it was 8 p.m.

Will worked too hard; Aria thought while exiting the elevator and walking in the direction of the man’s office. She didn’t bother with knocking, too excited to see Will’s reaction to her little surprise, and just burst through the door.

She stopped in her tracks, feeling confused at first at the sight that greeted her, even thinking for just a moment that she was in the wrong office before her mind finally caught up with the reality.

Will was currently standing in the middle of the room, but he was not alone. Antonia was also there, her hands wrapped around Will’s neck tightly while she kissed him like there was no tomorrow.

Aria watched entranced as the sight of Will’s betrayal kept her glued to the spot. She knew that she should move and get out of there but she couldn’t.

She felt a tear slide down her cheek before it was followed with more as the two of them separated after a second and Will began to say something, before he saw her.


That one word was enough to wake her from her trance.

“How could you?” Aria asked, her voice barely above a whisper, as she stared through the wet clouds in her eyes.

“No baby! I can explain.” he said, coming over to where Aria was standing feeling like her heart was in pieces.

“No! Do not touch me! Don’t you dare touch me ever again!” Aria shouted, tears now streaming freely down her face. “You promised me! You promised never to hurt me, Will!” she continued, her fists now connecting with the man’s chest repeatedly as she sobbed.

“I know baby and I am so sorry. But you have to give me a chance to explain. It is not what you think, I swear!”

“Stop! I don’t want to hear it. I may be in love with you, but I am not stupid. I let one man treat me like shit before and I will never let it happen again! Go to hell, Will! I never want to see you again!” she said and turned around.

“I hope you have a happy life together since you definitely deserve each other.” was the last thing she said before slamming the door on her way out.

6 years ago

“Please tell me you landed?” Will asked his sister as soon as she picked up the phone.

“Yes, finally. Only you would throw a wedding at the exact weekend of the biggest storm to hit New York in a decade. I managed to get the last flight before they closed down the airport until further notice.” he heard Meg’s wry voice over the line and sighed out in relief.

He had been on edge the entire day, worrying if his younger sister and Best Woman would be able to get to LA in time for his wedding and hearing that she was finally there made him extremely happy.

“I am sorry I couldn’t come to pick you up, but I have sent a driver; he should be there already.” Will said while pulling up to his driveway and shutting down the car. He could see that the light was on in the kitchen and smiled at the thought of the beautiful woman inside.

“So how was your flight?” he asked and listened to her complaints of another passenger as he made his way into the house.

He wasn’t supposed to be there today, since Antonia insisted on them going the traditional way and spending the night before the wedding separately, but in his haste to get to work that morning, after spending a bit too much time in bed with the said woman, he had forgotten to bring his suit with him.

As soon as he entered the house, he got a strange feeling in his stomach, like something was off, which further grew when he noticed an unfamiliar jacket hanging by the door. He frowned and slowly made his way toward the kitchen, every step harder for him to take, as even Meg’s excited chatter couldn’t mask the sounds coming from the room in front of him.

He opened the door slowly, careful to not make a sound and as soon as his eyes fell on the persons in the room, the phone dropped out of his hand, the sound of it falling to the ground echoing throughout the house like thunder.

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